Search results

Search results

Found 124 items for the search term biosciences

Staff profiles

Dr Nicholas Peake

After supporting cell biology, musculoskeletal biology and bioengineering courses as a temporary lecturer, I moved to Sheffield Hallam in 2015 as a lecturer in Biomedical Sciences. My teaching responsibilities complement my research programme.

Staff profiles

Liz Allen

I was appointed as a lecturer in 2015, and I am teaching several subjects in biomedical sciences, including clinical chemistry, blood sciences, cancer and biology of disease

Case studies

Research Degrees in the Biomolecular Sciences Research Centre

In the Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2014 staff from the BMRC were returned in the Biological Sciences unit of assessment (UoA5). Sheffield Hallam was the second highest ranking modern university in this UoA with 46% of our research being rated as world leading or internationally excellent (4* or 3*).

Athena SWAN gender equality awards

Athena SWAN awards celebrate gender equality best practice in areas such as recruitment, retention, career progression and work environment.


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