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Staff profiles

Helen Reardon


Staff profiles

Carissa Honeywell

Senior Lecturer In Politics

Staff profiles

Andrew Bullough

Andy is currently leading on Science For All (SFA), a project that works closely with teachers and teaching assistants to develop strategies for supporting SEN youngsters in their science lessons

Staff profiles

Christine Hope

Staff profile for Christine Hope, Senior Lecturer/Course Leader at Sheffield Hallam University

Staff profiles

Ana Maria Sanchez-Arce

Ana develops, leads and teaches on Literature and Creative Writing modules at undergraduate and postgraduate level and conducts research on 20th and 21st century literature

Dr. Najam Ul Hasan

Staff profile for Najam Ul Hasan, Lecturer at Sheffield Hallam University

Bridgette Rickett

Staff profile for Bridgette Rickett

Long Li

Long Li

Staff profiles

Jill Branch

Staff profile for Jill Branch, Senior Lecturer In Early Education at Sheffield Hallam University

Staff profiles

Vicky Thirlaway

I teach on the Criminal Law, Clinical Legal Education, Law in Practice and Innocence modules. I also supervise dissertations in Criminal Law and Human Rights Law.


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