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Found 10147 items

Warm, safe and well: The Evaluation of the Warm at Home Programme

Client: Foundations Independent Living Trust | Authors: Ellen Bennett, Chris Dayson, Will Eadson, Jan Gilbertson and Angela Tod

Housing and place
Sustainable futures

Tackling Worklessness in NDC areas - a policy and practice update - Some lessons from the New Deal for Communities Programme

Client: Communities and Local Government (CLG) | Authors: Scott Dickinson, Charlotte Clarke, Luke Delahunty, Joseph Duggett, Anthony Earnshaw and Malcolm Williams SQW Consultin

Inclusive economy
Housing and place
Policy research and evaluation

Homeless people’s experiences of welfare conditionality and benefit sanctions: Executive Summary

Client: Crisis | Authors: Elaine Batty, Christina Beatty, Rionach Casey, Mike Foden, Lindsey McCarthy, Kesia Reeve

Housing and place
Inclusive economy

Real Time Evaluation of Leeds Neighbourhood Networks

Client: Centre for Ageing Better | Authors: Chris Dayson

Voluntary and community sector

Affordable Housing Need in Scotland

Client: Shelter Scotland | Authors: Ryan Powell, Richard Dunning, Ed Ferrari, Kim McKee

Housing and place

Evaluation of the Leeds Neighbourhood Networks: Understanding equity of offer, access and resources

Client: Centre for Ageing Better | Authors: Emma Bimpson, Chris Dayson, Angela Ellis Paine, Jan Gilbertson, Helen Kara, David Leather

Voluntary and community sector

Getting-by', Coping and Resilience in Difficult Times: Final Report

Client: OFMDFM | Authors: Paul Hickman, Elaine Batty, Chris Dayson, John Flint, Mike Foden, Jenny Muir, Aimee Ambrose, Steve Green

Housing and place
Inclusive economy

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