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Greater Manchester State of the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise Sector 2017

Client: GMCVO | Authors: Chris Damm, Ioannis Prinos and Elizabeth Sanderson

Voluntary and community sector

Unlocking the potential of Big Local partnerships: The role and impact of Locally Trusted Organisations

Client: Local Trust | Authors: Julian Dobson, Tony Gore, Kim Graham and Kate Swade

Voluntary and community sector

Futurebuilders Evaluation: Final Report Executive Summary

Client: Cabinet Office / Home Office | Authors: Peter Wells, Tracey Chadwick-Coule, Chris Dayson, Gareth Morgan, with Aimee Ambrose, Elaine Batty, Mike Foden, Beth Patmore

Policy research and evaluation
Voluntary and community sector

Futurebuilders Evaluation: Final Report

Client: Cabinet Office / Home Office | Authors: Peter Wells, Tracey Chadwick-Coule, Chris Dayson, Gareth Morgan, with Aimee Ambrose, Elaine Batty, Mike Foden, Beth Patmore

Policy research and evaluation
Voluntary and community sector

Valuing the Voluntary and Community Sector in Rotherham in 2008

Client: Voluntary Action Rotherham | Authors: Tracey Coule, Sarah Pearson and Rob Macmillan

Policy research and evaluation
Voluntary and community sector

Evaluation of the Rotherham Mental Health Social Prescribing Pilot

Client: Voluntary Action Rotherham, NHS Rotherham CCG | Authors: Chris Dayson and Ellen Bennett

Inclusive economy
Policy research and evaluation
Voluntary and community sector

Where next for Independent Advice in Rotherham?

Client: Voluntary Action Rotherham | Authors: Chris Dayson, Maxine Phillips and David Sleightholme

Voluntary and community sector

Bolton State of the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise Sector 2017

Client: Bolton CVS | Authors: Chris Damm, Ioannis Prinos and Elizabeth Sanderson

Voluntary and community sector

Doncaster Discharge Project

Jan Gilbertson, Susan Hampshaw, Amanda Stocks and Dan Wolstenholme

Inclusive economy
Policy research and evaluation
Voluntary and community sector

Making it Work: Learning and Evaluation Contract - final report

Client: Big Lottery Fund | Authors: Elaine Batty, Chris Dayson, Will Eadson, Sarah Pearson, Elizabeth Sanderson, Colin Lindsay, Anne Marie Cullen

Inclusive economy
Policy research and evaluation
Voluntary and community sector

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