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Found 10147 items

Scoping Study on Worklessness & Employability

Client: Big Lottery Fund | Authors: Richard Crisp, Tony Gore and Ryan Powell

Policy research and evaluation
Inclusive economy
Voluntary and community sector

Research Study into Outsourcing Grantmaking: Final Report

Client: Big Lottery Fund | Authors: Peter Wells, Chris Dayson, Jan Gilbertson, Sarah Pearson, Tony Gore, Elaine Batty, Jim Clifford, Chris Theobald and Thorin Ward

Policy research and evaluation
Voluntary and community sector

Fuel Poverty Health Booster Fund evaluation

Client: Department for Energy and Climate Change (DECC) | Authors: Will Eadson and David Leather

Sustainable futures

Communities and COVID 19: responding to crisis

Client: Local Trust | Authors: Mandy Wilson

Making a Difference: Research on the Voluntary and Community Sector in Derbyshire

Client: Rural Action Derbyshire | Authors: Chris Dayson, Will Eadson, Jan Gilbertson and Sarah Pearson

Voluntary and community sector

Whole Household Key Worker Interventions: Learning from Sheffield

Client: ESRC | Authors: Elaine Batty, Rich Crisp, Stephen Green, Deborah Platts-Fowler, David Robinson

Housing and place

Qualitative study of offender employment review: final report

Client: Department for Work and Pensions | Authors: Del Roy Fletcher, John Flint, Tony Gore, Ryan Powell, Elaine Batty and Richard Crisp

Inclusive economy
Policy research and evaluation

Neighbourhood Agreements in action: A case study of Foxwood, York

Client: Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) | Authors: Ian Cole, Emma McCoulough, Janet Southworth

Housing and place

Working Well Early Help: Final Annual Report 2022

Client: Greater Manchester Combined Authority | Authors: Elaine Batty, Richard Crisp, Jan Gilbertson, Phil Martin, Joe Pardoe, Stephen Parkes, Elizabeth Sanderson, Lisa Scullion, Ian Wilson

Inclusive economy

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