Characterisation and optimisation of the zenithal bistable device

Characterisation and optimisation of the zenithal bistable device

The zenithal bistable device (ZBD) is a bistable LCD device with major optical, mechanical and operational advantages over other bistable technologies. It is a display that can appear bright or dark for zero power usage. Power is only consumed in changing the contents of the display. For infrequent updates (> 1 Sec) this can extend the lifetime of battery operated devices significantly.

The display makes use of a structured surface that can create discontinuities in the liquid crystal director field (defects). These defects move about to annihilate or nucleate dependant upon if the display will appear bright or dark. It is the precise nature of the surface shape that dictates the characteristics of the display.

The technology is being trialled by various retailers including Tesco, MetroGroup, John Lewis and Dixons.

The Materials Modelling Group have been working with ZBD on this pioneering display technology and have developed a complete device solver for a display in order to predict / investigate the effects of changing the surface shape, surface properties and material properties upon device operation.

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