Infinite Focus Microscope (IFM)

Infinite Focus Microscope (IFM)

What is an Infinite Focus Microscope?

The Infinite Focus Microscope (IFM) is a rapid non contact optical 3D measurement device, which combines the low depth of field of an optical microscope with vertical scanning, traversing across the surface of the sample, to provide high resolution and high depth of field topographical images with a large field of view.

The Infinite Focus Microscope reconstructs a 3D image from a number of 2D images that have been captured between the lowest and highest focal plane, areas that are determined to be in focus are compiled to produce a repeatable, sharp, true colour image and an accurate reconstruction of the surface of the sample.

The Infinite Focus Microscope is a flexible machine. With a vertical resolution and lateral resolution down to 10nm and 400nm respectively, it is able to capture images of samples, made using various materials with complex geometries such as, samples with steep flanks of up to 85o, samples with highly reflective surfaces and samples with a high surface roughness.

The Infinite Focus Microscope is not only used for imaging, a range of software packages are included which can analyse of the captured data from simple dimensional analysis to surface roughness. The software packages include:

  • Profile Form Measurement: This enables the topographic measurement of distances, radii, step heights etc, across a defined path
  • Roughness Measurement: Profile roughness measurement of surfaces, conforming to EN ISO 4387 and 4288, produces faster roughness traces, on a captured image, than conventional technologies
  • Surface Texture Measurement: This is the roughness measured across the surface of the sample providing information about the surface finish, producing highly repeatable measurements. This measurement mode conforms to ISO standard EN 25178
  • Volume Measurement: This is used to quantify the volume of voids or protrusions on a sample
  • Edge Measurement: This is used to measurement the edge of cutting tools, such as drills and milling cutters. The radii of the cutting surface can be measured down to 2µm and angles down to 20o
  • 2D Image Analysis: Measurements can be made to define certain features on the 2D image such as straight lines, angles, distances, rectangles, circles etc. Each of these measurements can be overlaid on top of the image to give a clear indication of where the measurement was taken


The Infinite Focus Microscope helps us to analyse many different materials and compliments our other material analysis microscopes and instruments such as our Scanning Electron Microscope, Atomic Force Microscope and many more!

To find out more services we can provide please submit an enquiry or call us on +44 (0) 114 225 3500.

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