Fine Art

Fine Art

  • This Moment Here

    This Moment Here

    An exhibition where the artist describes her installations as functioning as three-dimensional freeze frames, moments within a narrative where we can only guess what follows.

  • Art, Simulation and Surgical Humanities

    Art, Simulation and Surgical Humanities

    This network project is to support interdisciplinary exploration of the potential for identification of shared research agendas within the contexts of visual art, music and medicine.

  • 6183cc Paris Air

    6183cc Paris Air

    This sequential work explored the notions of value attributed to objects as they are elevated through the commercial contemporary art gallery system. By employing diversionary tactics of falsely attributing the work to the tradition of Duchamp, the procurement of labour was described through the commercial selling of the art historical object.

  • Beyond the Space of Painting and Poetry: Mallarmé and the Embodied Gesture

    Beyond the Space of Painting and Poetry: Mallarmé and the Embodied Gesture

    M.B O’Toole is a UK based artist, researcher, and associate lecturer at Sheffield Hallam University. In 2014 she was awarded the Vice Chancellor’s PhD Scholarship from Sheffield Hallam University to undertake practice-based research.

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