Fine Art

Fine Art

  • Vicissitudes: Histories and Destinies of Psychonanalysis

    Vicissitudes: Histories and Destinies of Psychonanalysis

    Discovery and debate of current issues in psychoanalysis

  • Things Wellcome Collection London

    Things Wellcome Collection London

    Keith Wilson built an empty museum-scale display structure, filled by visitors bringing single objects to the exhibition

  • Modern British Sculpture Royal Academy London

    Modern British Sculpture Royal Academy London

    This curatorial research and exhibition was commissioned by The Royal Academy. It was an extended critical reflection on what became an export franchise through the last century. By posing questions such as ‘what is British?’ and ‘what is Sculpture?’ it told a story that explored what each of those terms brings to the other.

  • Steles Queen Elizabeth Park London

    Steles Queen Elizabeth Park London

    Series of minimalist pop monoliths fabricated in PU elastomer and installed permanently in the tidal Waterworks River through the central section of Stratford's Olympic park

  • British Art Show 7: In the Days of the Comet

    British Art Show 7: In the Days of the Comet

    This research engaged with the potential for meaning to be generated and subverted through relationship to context. The development of the work deliberately sought to challenge the perceived ability for artwork to embody pre-defined meaning, whether in relation to site or the wider artist's project.

  • Tegel: Flights of Fancy

    Tegel: Flights of Fancy

    A video programme that responds to the planned closure of Berlin’s Tegel Airport.

  • The View From My Window Tells Me I'm Home

    The View From My Window Tells Me I'm Home

    The View From My Window Tells Me I'm Home is an observation, investigation and social record of the lives and thoughts of ten current residents of the Golden Lane Estate, London.

  • A Time for Invention

    A Time for Invention

    The late '60s and '70s saw the development of documentary film collectives in the UK that addressed the burning political issues of their day. They developed radical forms of independent film production and distribution prior to digital or the web and produced a large body of work, from short agitational cinetracts to sophisticated essayistic features.

  • Nothing is Still

    Nothing is Still

    Mixed media work using photography and constructed clothing for an exhibition that opened in Manchester, Britain and toured to Chongqing, China in 2010.

  • Dumb Fixity

    Dumb Fixity

    If we may agree that there is another unheard language, beyond the ring of our ears, may we begin to say what ‘is being said’, what we ‘are not hearing’? This forces us to look deeper, to search for patterns, to learn how to recognise the forces at play. What do these forces look like?

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