Reproductions I and III

Reproductions I and III

Reproductions I and III

Research Centre
Art and Design Research Centre


Reproductions I and Reproductions III are two limited edition book subscriptions, produced in association with DOMOBAAL, London. Each is drawn from the artist's extensive collection of postcards and other ephemeral source material

Reproductions I and Reproductions III are two limited edition book subscriptions, produced in association with DOMOBAAL, London. Each is drawn from the artist's extensive and particular collection of postcards and other ephemeral source material, and caused her to re-categorise the collections in book format.

Reproductions I consists of a series of twelve books (plus an extra bonus thirteenth book) each in an edition of 100, in a stapled 26×20cm format, with between twelve and twenty–four pages, each classed thematically according to the whim of the artist (see below). The set now includes an extra book Certains messages de loin, and is presented in a handsome specially designed bookcloth slipcase made by hand at Bookworks Studio.

DOMOBAAL editions 2012

  • ISBN 978-1-905957-15-6 Frères et Sœurs
  • ISBN 978-1-905957-16-3 Communiants et Communiantes
  • ISBN 978-1-905957-17-0 Pierrots et Pierrettes
  • ISBN 978-1-905957-18-7 Nus exotiques
  • ISBN 978-1-905957-19-4 Les Chiens des Pyrenées
  • ISBN 978-1-905957-20-0 Les Chalets Suisses
  • ISBN 978-1-905957-21-7 Les Amants modernes
  • ISBN 978-1-905957-22-4 La Neige sur les montagnes
  • ISBN 978-1-905957-23-1 Les Reflets
  • ISBN 978-1-905957-24-8 Femmes et roses
  • ISBN 978-1-905957-25-5 Les Cascades
  • ISBN 978-1-905957-26-2 Les Fontaines
  • ISBN 978-1-905957-28-6 Messages de lointain

The current series Reproductions III is subtitled Du Monde/Of the World, and if you will forgive a perhaps grandiose notion, the artist has been thinking about Maurice Merleau–Ponty's account of vision and visibility (that we are looked at, in the spectacle of the world), and Jacques Lacan's commentary thereon (that the world is not exhibitionistic, it does not provoke our gaze, but when it does, the feeling of strangeness begins). As in the first series, each book, between 16 and 36 pages, draws on the artist's collections of postcards, magazines, cuttings, and other printed ephemera, in another attempt to organise, catalogue, and archive– to provide a perfect taxonomy. There is little text, apart from the title and usual colophon material. Subscribers receive one book every month for a year.

DOMOBAAL editions 2013

  • ISBN 978-1-905957-32-3 Amants du monde (Si nous parlions un peu de l'amour – sujet à la mode toujours)
  • ISBN 978-1-905957-33-0 Œufs du monde (On ne fait pas d'omelette sans casser des œufs)
  • ISBN 978-1-905957-34-7 Hommes du monde (L'homme du monde se distingue du commun des mortels par sa parfaite éducation, son élégance et ses talents de société – ou, tout au contraire, par son ambition, son extravagance et son charisme naturel)
  • ISBN 978-1-905957-34-7 Enfants du monde (L'enfance a des manières de voir, de penser, de sentir qui lui sont propres; rien n'est moins sensé que d'y vouloir substituer les nôtres)
  • ISBN 978-1-905957-36-1 Arbres du monde (Quand un arbre tombe, on l'entend; quand la forêt pousse, pas un bruit)
  • ISBN 978-1-905957-37-8 Danseurs du monde (Quand tu veux danser, vois à qui tu donnes la main)
  • ISBN 978-1-905957-39-2 Rosiéristes du monde (De mémoire de rose, il n'y a qu'un jardinier au monde)
  • ISBN 978-1-905957-40-8 Arrangements Floraux du monde (Le cœur le plus sensible à la beauté des fleurs est toujours le premier blessé par les épines)
  • ISBN 978-1-905957-41-5 Chats du monde (Il faut appeler un chat un chat)

Both series are held in a number of public collections, including the Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, and TATE Library. They have been exhibited widely.

Researchers involved

Dr Sharon Kivland - Reader in Fine Art, Principal Lecturer

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