Research Centre
Art and Design Research Centre
Safety checklist for frail older patients entering acute hospital care
International studies indicate that approximately 10% of all patients who are admitted to hospital suffer some form of adverse event (AE). An AE can be defined as an unintended harm to a patient resulting in injury, death or a prolonged admission.
Older people are more likely to suffer AEs and the consequences of an AE are often more severe in frail, older patients.
Led by Sheffield Teachings Hospital NHS Foundation Trust this expert group has identified measurable harms which pose a risk to older patients.
This project will demonstrate effective implementation of an evidence based checklist to improve communication, team working and prompt reliable care – FRAILsafe.
The design research element of the project led by Paul Chamberlain and Rebecca Partridge will focus on the research and development of a prototype set of materials for implementation as a training package and optimise the media and format for implementation.