PRES 2022 Results

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PRES 2022 Results

We’re leading the way in the research student experience. Our results in the 2022 Postgraduate Research Experience Survey (PRES) have placed us in the top ten universities to study a research degree, with an overall satisfaction rate of 84%.

What is PRES?

PRES is an annual online survey conducted by AdvanceHE, open to all higher education institutions in the UK with postgraduate research students. The results for each institution are compared to establish UK rankings.

The survey focuses on everything from research supervision and resources to research skills development and overall satisfaction.

Our 2022 rankings

We scored highly in a range of criteria, placing Sheffield Hallam in the top quartile for research skills, progress and assessment and supervision. 

We ranked amongst the highest in the country for several subject area:

  • communications and media studies
  • biological sciences
  • engineering
  • sport and exercise sciences, leisure and tourism

Two of our research institutes have had an increase in students' satisfaction, the Industry and Innovation Research Institute and the Health Research Institute with an overall satisfaction of 86.4% and 88.9% respectively.

We believe that the pursuit of knowledge has the power to transform lives. That’s why our research is based around finding innovative, practical solutions to real world problems.

Want to join us? Get in touch, or order a postgraduate prospectus today.


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