Integrity Concordat

Integrity Concordat

The Concordat to Support Research Integrity was developed in collaboration with the Funding and Research Councils, Wellcome Trust and various government departments. It provides a comprehensive national framework for good research conduct and governance.

Download our  Commitment to the Concordat 2024

The Concordat sets out five commitments that provide assurances that research in the UK continues to be underpinned by the highest standards of rigour and integrity:

  • Maintaining the highest standards of rigour and integrity in all aspects of research
  • Ensuring that research is conducted according to appropriate ethical, legal and professional frameworks, obligations and standards
  • Supporting a research environment that is underpinned by a culture of integrity and based on good governance, best practice and support for the development of researchers
  • Using transparent, robust and fair processes to deal with allegations of research misconduct should they arise
  • Working together to strengthen the integrity of research and to reviewing progress regularly and openly

Compliance with the Concordat

Research England requires institutions eligible to receive their research funding to comply with the Concordat. This is a condition of receiving Research England funds, specified in institutions' funding agreements, and has applied since 2013-14.

Implementation of the Concordat

Each year the University's Research Ethics Committee maps current university policy and practice to the five commitments, identifying areas of good practice, and areas for consideration and development in our ongoing responsibilities to our research and innovation staff, participants and users.

The annually produced Commitment to the Concordat (published above) demonstrates the University's compliance with the Concordat. Evidence of policy, guidance and support available within the University is presented together with a series of recommendations for the University, heads of departments, directors of research centres and researchers - to ensure compliance with the Concordat and that its principles are embedded within everyday practice.

The evidence presented is a response to the Concordat that has been approved at the University Academic Board, following discussion and development at the University Research Ethics Committee and the Research and Innovation Committee. This is reviewed and updated every Autumn Semester.

Research Integrity Responsibilities