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Showing 25 articles, in Business and management

21 June 2024

New fully flexible online learning offer launched

Sheffield Hallam University has launched a suite of fully flexible 100% online Master’s degrees, designed to provide affordable, pay as you study, high quality qualifications for working professionals.

06 April 2022

Sheffield Hallam reveals health-tech businesses set to join its accelerator programme

A Finnish start-up that delivers online postnatal exercise programmes to help new mothers recover safely after childbirth is part of the cohort of health businesses accepted onto Sheffield Hallam University’s latest Wellbeing Accelerator.

28 May 2021

Hallam design experts help textile business weave way to success

Design experts have created new packaging for a textile recycling firm that has helped the company expand.

07 May 2021

Racing partnership puts students in the fast lane

Students will soon be able to kickstart their careers thanks to a new partnership with a national motorsport team.

12 April 2021

Sheffield digital company celebrates 60th Hallam student securing full-time role

A Sheffield-based digital solutions and software firm, 3Squared, has welcomed its 60th placement student from Sheffield Hallam into a full-time role.

02 March 2021

Students set sights on Barcelona and Paris as part of unique new European Business qualification

Giving students a global insight on how to do business is the aim of a unique new collaboration between Sheffield Hallam University and two leading business schools in Europe.

17 February 2021

Re-accreditation marks out Sheffield Business School as global benchmark for teaching and learning

Four degree programmes led by Sheffield Business School have been re-accredited by the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD) – a globally recognised benchmark for the quality of teaching and learning.

09 February 2021

Upskilling the workforce – the value of degree apprenticeships

Regional business, education and public sector leaders have outlined the value of degree apprenticeships in a free online Q and A event run by Yorkshire Business Insider.

05 February 2021

Project launched to assess financial impact of Covid-19 on professional football clubs

Academics are to analyse the financial impact of Covid-19 on professional football clubs in England and the wider impact on their communities.

20 January 2021

The Hallam i-Lab shortlisted at Yorkshire Financial Awards

The Hallam i-Lab has been shortlisted in the Accelerator of the Year category at the Yorkshire Financial Awards.

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