Vice-Chancellor statement on Ukraine

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03 March 2022

Vice-Chancellor statement on Ukraine

Over the last week the military attack on Ukraine by Russia, has left us all horrified and dismayed. The Russian military invasion is unjustified. It is heart-breaking to see the human suffering unfolding, day-by-day in Ukraine, with one million people already displaced and fleeing for safety in other nations

Ukraine flag

The resolve of the Ukrainian people has been widely reported, and the global response has been mostly unified in its support for Ukraine and its condemnation of the invasion. Even so, it is hard not to be deeply fearful about the future for Ukraine’s people and the implications of the invasion for the world. These are worrying and anxious times for Ukraine and for us all.  

Hallam’s staff and student community is truly international. We are home to staff and students who are originally from or have family and loved ones in Ukraine, Russia and Eastern Europe. I have written to all of our students from these countries this week, to offer them our support, and we have made practical arrangements to help them. I know they are deeply concerned about the current situation, and worried for their families, their homes and their future.  

In recent days other staff and students have contacted me to express their own worries, concerns and support for Ukraine. Several have asked for advice on what they can do to help the situation. Our friends at Sheffield City of Sanctuary have added some helpful information on how to support the people of Ukraine to their website, which sets out a number of ways that we can all help, wherever we are in the world – whether through donations to humanitarian and financial aid campaigns, providing advice and support to citizens affected, supporting Ukrainian journalists, or contacting our local MPs. There are also links to NGOs, charities, and other ways to support from Timothy Snyder, the renowned historian of the region. 

Hallam is also engaged practically. CENTRIC, one of our key research centres, has been working with the IOM (International Organization for Migration) for many years, and their digital security platform SCAAN (Security Communications and Analysis Network), which allows humanitarian staff to receive real-time alerts and respond to headcounts, continues to be used extensively in Ukraine to provide urgent support for UN staff across the country. 

As a university, our aim is to build knowledge, truth and understanding – principles which stand against the ignorance, lies and disinformation that are being used to justify this abhorrent war. 

Professor Sir Chris Husbands 


Support for staff and students 

The University is here to support you if you need help.  

If you’re a student and need advice or support, please contact Hallam Help. We can provide a range of wellbeing and academic support, through specialist advisers. 

If you’re a member of staff you can talk to your line manager, contact the Human Resources team, or use the Employee Assistance Programme (intranet link), a valuable service for all staff who need support.  

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