Hallam graduate creates wellbeing pack for college students

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30 January 2024

Hallam graduate creates wellbeing pack for college students

Sheffield Hallam University has teamed up with graduate, Emma Redfern, to give out wellbeing packs to support students on their journey from college to university.  

Press contact: Emma Griffiths | e.griffiths@shu.ac.uk

Graduate Emma Redfern holding the wellbeing pack

The packs have been delivered to over 3,000 students to remind them to look after their wellbeing whilst making decisions on their options after college or sixth form, which can be a stressful time for many. 

Working with Emma and her business, The Calming Club, the packs have been designed to help people find time for self-care and include calming cards with advice on wellbeing and reducing stress, a colouring for wellbeing card, a daily planner and links to more tips on self-care. 

Emma said: Starting university is a big adventure but it also comes with a lot of change. That’s why I was excited to collaborate with Sheffield Hallam University on this project, sharing The Calming Club’s products with prospective students to provide practical tools for calming their minds.

“The Calming Club was inspired by my own experience with anxiety and the desire to create a product that reminded me of the tools I used to manage anxious thoughts without feeling clinical. For example, The Calming Cards are designed to be an everyday companion to take with you on the go to help you feel less alone when facing moments of panic and anxiety and to break down the stigma around talking about mental health.”

Emma started The Calming Club in 2019 during her Work for Yourself placement year, whilst studying at Sheffield Hallam University. Since starting the creative self-care brand, Emma has also worked with brands like John Lewis, Santander and Tea Pigs.

She has also launched a new project, Studio Self-Made, an online education platform that helps students and graduates launch their creative careers without compromising their mental health.

Professor Helen Scott, Pro Vice-Chancellor for Learning, Teaching and Student Success, said: Wellbeing is so important for everyone, but particularly at times when we feel the pressure that often accompanies a big decision which will have an impact on our future.

Making such big choices can feel overwhelming as well as very exciting. I was delighted to hear that Emma, a Sheffield Hallam alumnus, has taken such creative steps to help students think about their well-being and give advice on practical ways to reduce stress and anxiety. I’m sure the packs will be very helpful to many students.

Find out more about Emma’s story and wellbeing advice.

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