Sheffield Hallam unites international security research community to combat the pandemic

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12 May 2020

Sheffield Hallam unites international security research community to combat the pandemic

Sheffield Hallam University's Centre of Excellence in Terrorism, Resilience, Intelligence and Organised Crime Research (CENTRIC) has collaborated with US company Secured Communications to help global businesses and organisations collaborate securely during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Press contact: Greg Mattocks-Evans |

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Sheffield Hallam University's Centre of Excellence in Terrorism, Resilience, Intelligence and Organised Crime Research (CENTRIC) has collaborated with US company Secured Communications to help global businesses and organisations collaborate securely during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The Sec3R Platform brings together the capabilities of the security research community to support the global efforts to combat Covid-19. Through this "security community alliance" the platform provides knowledge and resources for public authorities, blue light services and researchers worldwide in their response to the pandemic.

Babak Akhgar, Professor of Informatics and Director of CENTRIC at Sheffield Hallam University, said: “The vision for Sec3R has been supported by Secured Communications from the outset. Their support has been invaluable in conceptualising, launching and growing the platform.

“We believe this collaboration will bring long-term benefits to both Sec3R and Secured Communications by demonstrating our commitment to delivering operational solutions that support the entirety of the security community.” 

The encrypted communications solution provided by Secured Communications is trusted by law enforcement, counter-terrorism and public safety professionals worldwide to protect and streamline their most sensitive and urgent communications.

John Parkinson OBE, President of Secured Communications, said: “We are proud to support Sec3R as the preferred communications partner, and to be able to support public authorities, researchers and health professionals who are racing to identify vaccines, develop treatments and protect our communities.” 

For press information: Greg Mattocks-Evans in the Sheffield Hallam University press office email

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