Seen. Heard. Valued. Art exhibition launches in Sheffield

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02 May 2024

Seen. Heard. Valued. Art exhibition launches in Sheffield

Families from The Meadows nursery are marking their fight to change their area’s reputation and their own families’ futures with a powerful new art exhibition at Sheffield Hallam University  

Press contact: Emma Griffiths |

A sign for the Seen. Heard. Valued. exhibition at Sheffield Hallam University

Seen. Heard. Valued. celebrates artwork, stories and photography from parents, carers and children at The Meadows Nursery in Shirecliffe and tells the story of how the nursery has had a positive impact on their lives. 

The Meadows Nursery is part of the Early Learning Community, a partnership between the University, Save the Children UK, Watercliffe Meadow School and Sheffield City Council, which aims to improve the development of 0–3-year-olds in areas of north Sheffield. 

Over the past few years there have been family fun days, trips to the beach and camping. All along the way parents and children have documented their journey by creating art pieces, a community tapestry, photographs and sculptures. 

Leanna Clark, Senior Innovation and Projects Officer with the Sheffield Early Learning Community, said: “There is so much to celebrate in this part of North Sheffield, but people have often told us they often feel forgotten. Parents here desperately want a voice in the city and become just part of depressing statistics about poverty and disadvantage. We want to create the conditions for change.

“Lives here have been utterly transformed in the past few years by the amazing work of these parent champions and we want to mark their value by inviting the public to come and recognise their role in the city. Everyone should have a voice when it comes to their own lives and their children's.”

The Sheffield Early Learning Community also facilitates a Breakfast Club for parents to come together to share information and support each other, advice sessions for parents and access to qualifications and training, as well as signposting to services for families. 

Professor Sally Pearse, Director of the Early Years Community Research Centre from Sheffield Hallam University, said:At the heart of the Sheffield Early Learning Community (SELC) is collaboration and partnership between organisations like Hallam and Save the Children UK and parents and families in the community. This art exhibition demonstrates through the stories, pictures and art, the changes that families can make in their lives when they get the support they need, at the time that they need it.

“Community nurseries like Meadows have a unique position to build trusting relationships and offer support to parents as they often see them twice a day, five days a week. It was an absolute privilege to hear our parents speak at the exhibition reception about what they have achieved and the impact the nursery and the SELC have had on their lives. I hope that their voices will be heard.”

The exhibition was launched on the 29th of April with the families from the nursery and guests from Save the Children, Sheffield Hallam and across Sheffield. 

In an opening speech, Rhianna told guests how the nursery had improved her and her daughter Kyah’s confidence. 

Rhianna said:I’m not just a mum, I am someone who wants to learn, try new things and have new experiences. I can be an anxious person but through Meadows nursery I have achieved so much. It’s difficult to put into words how it has helped me.

I want you all to realise how nurseries like Meadows positively affect parents and children in our community and I want you to implement this everywhere else. You should put more money into things like this in all communities. It is making a huge difference, and you should be making this a priority.” 

Gemma Sherrington, interim CEO of Save the Children UK, said: "Our work with Sheffield Hallam University as part of the Early Learning Community is evidence of everything we can achieve when we work in partnership. Together, and working alongside families, we have been able to support the community in North Sheffield through the Meadows Nursery, which is providing lasting change for children. 

"I've heard first hand from families how before the nursery opened in 2021 there hadn't been any early years provision in the area for 10 years, and now we have children starting school, ready to learn and having had incredible experiences provided by talented nursery staff. It's incredibly inspiring and we're really proud of what has been achieved so far."

The exhibition was curated by Fine Art students from Sheffield Hallam University, as part of Future Now – a series of projects from Hallam’s College of Social Sciences and Arts which allow students to work with organisations and communities in Sheffield.


Mary Farrall, Fine Art student and co-curator of the exhibition, said: “Working with save the children has been the most amazing opportunity for me as a student. I have gained real world experience in a field of work that excites me. Being a part of the curation team has provided me with confidence for my future career. The team of people I worked with were so welcoming and professional. I am grateful to the families involved for sharing their stories and creating a collection of beautiful artwork."


Seen. Heard. Valued. is free and open to the public in Sheffield Hallam’s Charles Street Building until Wednesday 8 May.


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