Hallam hosts business breakfast to encourage collaboration with industry

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06 October 2023

Hallam hosts business breakfast to encourage collaboration with industry

Sheffield Business School at Sheffield Hallam University hosted business professionals from across South Yorkshire in an event which brought together research, innovation and industry

Press contact: Joseph Barker | Joseph.Barker@shu.ac.uk

Photo of SBS Business Breakfast

It was the first in a series of meetups aimed at connecting Sheffield Business School academics with businesses, both nationally and internationally. The event showcased the many ways that organisations can engage with the business school to collaborate on real-world challenges, from achieving a more sustainable supply chain and delivering better quality work environments, to better leveraging the transformative potential of digital technology.

Dan Plumley, Knowledge Exchange Lead for the Sheffield Business School said: “The purpose of the event was to network with other organisations and discuss strategic business challenges with our academics. We wanted to raise the profile of the Sheffield Business School and outline how businesses can collaborate with us to solve real-world challenges.

“We want to keep the momentum going and follow-up on the conversations we have started with this event. Crucially, we want this to be the start of the conversation and not the end. It was great to see so many people in the room, including some businesses that have never engaged with the University before.”

The event was designed as an informal networking opportunity. Businesses gained an overview of Sheffield Business School's main research themes, and academic colleagues heard directly from businesses as to the challenges they would like to address. Through a two-way dialogue, event participants directly informed the design of future events in this space as part of a wider networking series.

Attendees heard from Dan Plumley, Knowledge Exchange Lead for Sheffield Business School, Gemma Thomason, Employer Partnerships Manager within Business Engagement, Skills & Employability and Alastair Morris, UK Managing Director of Accu, around the business opportunities offered in collaboration with Sheffield Business School. The event was attended by staff from across the University and businesses across South Yorkshire.

The event was linked to Sheffield Business School’s internal research themes; Responsible leadership and socially just organisations, Resilient economies and sustainable supply chains, Responsible consumption and sustainable lives and Digital transformation.

Housed in one of the largest institutions of its kind in the UK – Sheffield Business School focuses on many diverse fields, ranging from economics, accounting, finance, HR, supply chain management and international business, to specialist areas like sports and esports, food and drink, and tourism and hospitality.

For more information about future networking events from Sheffield Business School and wider University partners and initiatives, visit Sheffield Business School.


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