Sheffield Hallam shortlisted for Small Business Charter Excellence award

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23 April 2024

Sheffield Hallam shortlisted for Small Business Charter Excellence award

Sheffield Business School’s partnership with Tempus Novo: Transforming the Lives of Ex-Offenders and Students, has been shortlisted for Outstanding Support for a Small Business at the Small Business Charter Excellence Awards 2024

Press contact: Joseph Barker |

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Tempus Novo is a charity based in Leeds set up to support ex-offenders into jobs after their release to reduce re-offending rates. The charity mentors' prisoners in the run up to their release and help to secure roles, and to date have secured jobs for over 1000 ex-offenders. 

Sheffield Hallam's contribution in this project wato design an innovative revenue model and scalable business plan for Tempus Novo. They applied financial modelling skills and behavioural economics methods. The goal was to make Tempus Novo financially sustainable so it could grow successfully.

Dr Michael Benson, Business and Enterprise Lead, Sheffield Business School at Sheffield Hallam University, said: “How fabulous it is to have been shortlisted for the Small Business Charter Excellence Awards, a true testament to the Sheffield Business School collaborative way of working and commitment to societal impact. We, staff and students, have learned so much working with our wonderful partners Tempus Novo.”

Steve Freer and Val Wawrosz, Founders of Tempus Novo, said: "Tempus Novo are delighted to be partnering with Sheffield Business School, which has served to provide both organisations with a wide range of mutual benefits, from collaborating on curriculum inputs through the Employer Advisory Board, providing students with learning opportunities to interrogate the Tempus Novo model and social value impact outputs, to the academic support and knowledge transfer from the University and Innovate UK via Knowledge Transfer Partnerships through to funding for ongoing research and enrichment of our Charity.  Being shortlisted for the Small Business Excellence Awards in itself amplifies the tremendous mutual value of our partnership.”

The award for Outstanding Support for Small Business will recognise the most innovative and impactful initiative provided to support small business growth.

Judges will look for evidence of significant impact at local, national, and/or international level, Initiatives that go beyond simple growth programmes and create collaborative environments resulting in sustained growth and enhanced performance, and holistic innovative approaches to forge networks, relationships, exchange knowledge and developing practice.

The winners will be announced at the Small Business Charter Summer Reception, to be held in June 2024.


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