Sheffield Hallam supports government-backed pledge to end NDA use in sexual harassment cases

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22 March 2022

Sheffield Hallam supports government-backed pledge to end NDA use in sexual harassment cases

Sheffield Hallam University has signed a government-backed pledge to end the use of Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) when dealing with student and staff complaints of sexual harassment, bullying and misconduct

Press contact: Jo Beattie |

An aerial drone shot of the city campus

The initiative was supported by Michelle Donelan, Minister for Higher and Further Education, who asked universities to commit to not use legally binding NDAs against students and staff who come forward to report abuse, to ensure victims don’t feel pressured into signing agreements which stop them from speaking out.  


Sheffield Hallam University stands firmly against any form of harassment, violence or abusive behaviours involving staff or students.


Sheffield Hallam University Vice-Chancellor, Professor Sir Chris Husbands, said: “We are proud to sign this pledge and support this important initiative. Sheffield Hallam University stands firmly against any form of harassment, violence or abusive behaviour involving staff or students.


“Sheffield Hallam is a safe and inclusive environment, and we want our staff and students to feel empowered to speak out and report any unacceptable behaviour.


“As part of our commitment to student and staff wellbeing and safety, we have a range of support systems in place to ensure we can provide the right help and support when it’s needed.”


Students or staff who have experienced sexual harassment, bullying or violence on campus, can report an incident using the University’s Report and Support system, either anonymously or leave an email address to seek further support.  The service provides emotional and practical support as well as how to make a formal report to police or the University. 


The pledge is backed by the UK government, campaigners and several other UK universities, and can be read in full on the Department for Education website.


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