Team GB Olympic boxer inspires next generation of students

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20 June 2024

Team GB Olympic boxer inspires next generation of students

Team GB Olympic boxer and Sheffield Hallam graduate, Lewis Richardson, has returned to his former University to help inspire the next generation

Press contact: Jo Beattie |

Lewis Richardson with students

Lewis, who graduated from Sheffield Hallam in 2023 with a Master’s in Sport Business Management, visited the University’s Academy of Sport and Physical Activity to speak to more than 150 school and college pupils.

GB Boxing announced their Olympic squad on 7 June, with Lewis selected to represent Team GB in Paris next month. Lewis previously won a silver medal at the 2022 European Championships. 

Lewis spoke to the young people from schools and colleges across South Yorkshire at the Student Conference of Sport 2024 about managing his studies alongside competing in national and international sporting events.

Lewis was supported through the Performance Athlete Support Programme (PASP) during his time at Sheffield Hallam which helps talented athletes to balance university life while achieving their sporting potential.

Lewis said:"Sport provides a massive opportunity for all and I wanted to share my journey with the students. I came to talk about the support networks I've had around me and some areas in sport that the students might be interested in pursuing as a career in the future. It's to show them that they can be involved in sport and play a huge role in sport in lots of different ways.  

"Also, for me, being a former Sheffield Hallam University student, it's about showing them that you're able to study alongside achieving your sporting dreams and that this is a University that supports that." 

The event was held at the University’s Collegiate Campus which is home to the Academy of Sport and Physical Activity at Sheffield Hallam and was themed around the Paris Olympics and Paralympics.

Dr Ruth Crabtree, Head of the Academy of Sport and Physical Activity, said: “We were delighted to welcome Lewis back to Sheffield Hallam to hear about his incredible achievements. His words to the young people were truly inspirational.

“We wanted the day to inspire and encourage young people to consider a career in the world of sport and physical activity and the multitude of opportunities there are in that field. What better way to do that than have an Olympic athlete speaking to you about their own experiences.

“The Paris Games will be a great event and I am delighted that we also have current students competing in the Olympics and Paralympics.  Hallam has a great track record when it comes to supporting and training elite students who are also studying with us. 

“Our staff and students have also signed up to be volunteers at the Games, we have a great international network that allows us to provide such opportunities.  Applied learning is what we excel at and what greater way to learn than be involved in the biggest sport competition on the planet.”

Find out more about Sport and Physical Activity courses at Sheffield Hallam University.

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