Sheffield Hallam to host climate innovation conference

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13 September 2022

Sheffield Hallam to host climate innovation conference

The breadth of Green Future research currently being developed across Sheffield Hallam will underscore the annual Innovation Conference and AIM (Academic Industry Meeting) Day, which takes place at the University this week

Press contact: Joseph Barker |

Sheffield city skyline

The conference, open to regional SMEs and larger organisations, is being held on Wednesday (14 September), at Sheffield Hallam’s Hertha Ayrton STEM Centre.

The vision of this year’s Innovation Conference is to bring together the knowledge, technology and expertise need to deliver fundamental change to tackle the global climate crisis.

Bringing together businesses and organisations with researchers from across Sheffield Hallam, the conference will include a Research and Innovation exhibition, a Green Future panel session and tours of Hallam’s world-class facilities.

Professor Rory Duncan, Pro Vice-Chancellor for Research and Innovation at Sheffield Hallam, as well as the UK Research and Innovation Director of Talent, will lead a panel session alongside representatives from South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority, Innovate UK Knowledge Transfer Network and the Henry Royce Institute. It will address the current priorities and challenges relating to all aspects of the Green Future agenda.

Professor Rory Duncan said: “Events like this are so valuable to forge new connections with the constellation of organisations around the university. Sheffield Hallam has a superb track record of creating impact in partnership with industry.

“Working in this ‘porous’ way – exchanging ideas, skills and knowledge in true partnership ensures that our work remains relevant and informed by partner employers.

“This is important because the fastest way to transform regional economies is through skills development – and as we move towards, and beyond Net Zero, large numbers of people will need new skills for a variety of roles and sectors.”

Tours of Hallam’s facilities will include the Materials and Engineering Research Institute (MERI), Bimolecular Sciences Research Centre (BMRC), Sheaf Building (SHEAF) and Commercial and Test Kitchens.

Organisations that have signed up for the AIM event include a range of regional SMEs, national and international companies, with over 195 delegates registered for the conference.

For more information about the conference, please visit: Sheffield Hallam Innovation Conference: Green Future | Sheffield Hallam University (

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