Hallam student shortlisted for Female Undergraduate of the Year

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02 June 2020

Hallam student shortlisted for Female Undergraduate of the Year

An engineering student at Sheffield Hallam has been shortlisted for a TARGETjobs Female Undergraduate of the Year award.

Press contact: Greg Mattocks-Evans | g.mattocks-evans@shu.ac.uk

Rosie Forster, a materials engineering student who is currently on an engineering placement with Bosh Thermotechnology, was selected as one of the top 10 out of the 780 students that applied for the award.

The award is one of the categories in the annual TARGETjobs Undergraduate of The Year Awards, aimed at finding and recgonising the best undergraduates in the country. 

Each award is partnered by a graduate recruiter, in this case Rolls Royce, who provide a prize for the winning student.

The winner of the Female Undergradute of the Year will receive a one-week work shadowing opportunity within Rolls-Royce defence, an Apple watch, Rolls-Royce branded gifts and a chance to shadow a senior female manager for the day.

Rosie said: “There were 4500 applicants across the 13 categories and 780 in my specific award, so I didn’t think I had a chance given my pre-university grades were not the highest (ABD), even though my grades at university have been high so far.”

However, after completing her application and a set of psychometric tests, Rosie was invited to attend an assessment centre in Derby a week later.

“I was completely floored. They made the candidates feel very at ease and I was humbled that a large pool of senior leaders in the company came and networked with and interviewed us. 

“If my experience in the award had ended there, I would have been thrilled because I met so many amazing people and new experiences. I was ecstatic when I got an email saying I had made the top 10 and would I be available to attend the award ceremony in London.”

The awards ceremony had been set to take place in Canary Wharf in April but this has been delayed to the 4th of September due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Chris Webb, employability advisor for the College of Business, Technology and Engineering said: “The Female Undergraduate of the Year award is a taxing, multi-stage process that involves going up against high-quality candidates from universities across the UK, so to make the shortlist is testament to Rosie's professionalism, endeavour and passion for her subject.

“I am thrilled for her and hope she really takes the time to soak up this fantastic achievement.”

Dr Evangelos Kordatos, senior lecturer in materials engineering said: “I have known Rosie for the past 3 years since she  joined Sheffield Hallam University on the Materials Engineering course. 

“As her course leader and tutor I have appreciated her clear passion for engineering, and I have had the pleasure to work with her and support her studies all these years. 

“I am very delighted and proud for Rosie’s outstanding achievement to be shortlisted for this honourable award of the Female Undergraduate of the Year as she is very attentive, exceptionally hard working and incredibly enthusiastic."

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