Sheffield Hallam A-Levels statement

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17 August 2020

Sheffield Hallam A-Levels statement

Following today’s Government announcement on A-Levels and GCSEs (Monday 17 August), we are pleased that students will be awarded grades based on teacher assessments which better reflect their capability and potential to succeed.

Press contact: Nicky Swire |

Last updated: Tuesday 18 August

A Sheffield Hallam building on Collegiate Crescent viewed from the street
Sheffield Hallam A-Levels statement

We know that 2020 has been an extremely challenging year for students looking forward to starting their studies at Sheffield Hallam this September. Therefore, over the Clearing and Confirmation period, we have tried to be as flexible, fair and understanding as possible, by confirming places for a large number of students at slightly below the offers we made to them earlier in the year. 

We now want to reassure prospective students as much as possible as to what will happen now. 

If applicants’ revised grades now mean that they meet the conditions of our original offer, we will seek to offer them a place at Sheffield Hallam.

Applicants who have already had their place at Sheffield Hallam confirmed do not need to take any action.

If a place at the University has not been confirmed and an applicant is expecting their grade to be changed:

  • We are awaiting further information from Ofqual, awarding bodies and UCAS as to how we will receive revised results. 
  • Once these have been received we will be in a position to review decisions. 
  • Applicants that have not been successful in being offered a place at Hallam (or those who have been offered a place on a different course) who now will receive a higher grade(s) will have their applications reviewed on an individual basis. 
  • If applicants’ revised grades now mean that they meet the conditions of our original offer, we will seek to offer them a place at Sheffield Hallam.
  • There may be a very small number of cases where we cannot do so due to constraints such as the set number of available work placements for certain health or teaching courses. In this case we will offer a place at the next available intake.
  • Any applicant with queries about being awarded new grades should contact us at

Our Confirmation and Clearing lines are open and we encourage applicants to call us on 0330 024 6390 to discuss their options.

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