Sheffield Hallam University launches ambitious climate action strategy

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15 May 2023

Sheffield Hallam University launches ambitious climate action strategy

Sheffield Hallam has launched an ambitious climate action strategy, outlining the University’s commitments to net zero and a more sustainable future 

 Press contact: Jo Beattie |

Male and female student talking outside University

The Climate Action Strategy sets out actions the University will take to reduce emissions as well as new and existing initiatives that aim to make a positive contribution to tackling the climate emergency and embedding climate awareness. 


The University’s ambitions are focused on three key areas: the steps it will take to reduce its overall emissions, how it will support students and staff to take action and advancing knowledge through investment in research.


The University’s Campus Plan will help to deliver an efficient and sustainable campus that makes a positive difference to climate change, biodiversity, and the city. The new Howard Street development will feature the latest technology and measures to make the new buildings zero carbon ready, use sustainable energy solutions and promote sustainable travel. 


The Campus Plan also includes the disposal of less efficient buildings and refurbishment of existing estate, which will lead to a significant reduction in energy consumption and carbon emissions. 


The University will also invest up to £1 million each year through a new Sheffield Hallam Research and Innovation Fund, to support research and innovations that advance understanding of climate and sustainability issues. This includes a fellowship programme, which will see new academic leaders recruited to Sheffield Hallam who will further strengthen the University’s climate credentials. 


Supporting students to become more climate conscious is another key commitment that will be supported through the introduction of a new climate and sustainability module, offered as part of courses from 2025.


Professor Rory Duncan, Pro Vice-Chancellor for Research and Innovation, said:As part of our vision to become a world-leading applied university, we are creating an ambitious, sector leading approach to tackle climate change.


This Climate Action Strategy sets out a necessary whole-of-institution approach, highlighting some of the initiatives and actions we will undertake across every aspect of what we do. 


“This is not just about fulfilling our net zero ambitions; it’s about taking a truly systemic approach so that climate consideration is embedded in everything we do and the decisions we make.”


Developing regional partnerships to help tackle climate issues is another University commitment. The recently launched South Yorkshire Sustainability Centre brings together the city’s two universities with the South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority and industry partners to help realise a sustainable future for the region.


Other commitments include:

  • Procure 100% green electricity as standard, and fully electrify our fleet of university vehicles by 2024.
  • Invest in improving active travel infrastructure by providing more secure cycle storage on campus, enhancing the staff cycle to work scheme, and discounted public transport.
  • Ensure that students and staff can play a central role in climate action with access to training, development and volunteering opportunities.
  • Commit to never directly investing in fossil fuels. This is something we have never and will never do.


The launch of the Climate Action Strategy is the latest step in the University’s move towards net zero. In 2021, the University made a global pledge to tackle climate action by joining the UN Race to Zero, making a public commitment to deliver Net Zero on direct emissions by 2030, and to make significant progress on indirect emissions by 2038.


Sheffield Hallam has also signed the Yorkshire and Humber Climate Action Pledge, to support the region’s climate action leadership. 


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