Sheffield Hallam achieves quality assured status by leading sport body

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11 June 2024

Sheffield Hallam achieves quality assured status by leading sport body

Sheffield Hallam University’s Academy of Sport and Physical Activity has achieved quality assured status as an education and training provider by the Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity (CIMSPA).

Press contact: Jo Beattie |

Group of men and women stood with a banner in a gym

The Academy became the first higher education partner to achieve the ‘Enhancing’ quality mark from CIMSPA following a visit to the University to assess its sport and exercise science and physical activity, sport and health courses, which is the highest award that CIMSPA gives.


CIMSPA carried out an assessment of the Academy’s quality of education, learner journey for students and promotion and marketing of the courses and opportunities available to students.


In their feedback, CIMSPA assessors said it was clear that the University was ‘committed to providing students with the best possible start to their career with the sport and physical activity sector’. They also noted that staff across the department had ‘excellent industry experience as well as academic discipline’ and that students felt these industry links provided them with extra opportunities.

Dr Ruth Crabtree, Head of Sheffield Hallam University’s Academy of Sport and Physical Activity, said: “We're immensely proud of this achievement. CIMSPA is leading the way in workforce development and the professionalisation of the sport and physical activity sector currently, and we're particularly proud to be the first Higher Education Partner to receive quality assurance, we pride ourselves on the added value we give to all students studying our degrees, and to have this endorsed by CIMSPA is a great testimony to our staff and students.”


Students in the Academy of Sport and Physical Activity at Sheffield Hallam University have undertaken internships and placements within sports organisations including GB Boxing, Formula One and the International Olympic Committee. They have also volunteered at major international events, such as the Commonwealth and Olympic Games, Rugby League World Cup, UEFA Football and World Gymnastics championships.

Student athlete and sport and exercise student at Sheffield Hallam, Sachin Thethy, said: "I signed up to the level two gym instructor course as it was priced very well and organised and delivered to an excellent standard. Overall, I learnt a lot of the basics and further enhanced my knowledge and feel more confident to use and teach in the gym. It is something I would recommend to anyone.”

Natasha Eason, Associate Director of the Training Academy, said: “Sheffield Hallam University’s Academy of Sport and Physical Activity has demonstrated their excellence and dedication in supporting learners on their professional journey. The courses meet the professional standards that are defined by employers in the sector, which helps to improve the employability outcomes of graduates on completion. In achieving enhancing status, the team at Sheffield Hallam are ensuring that their students are also getting the highest quality learning experience.”

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