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Work with us

Research and innovation

By working together on industry-led collaborative projects, we can provide innovative engineering solutions to problems such as energy and improving nutritional content and waste minimisation and valorisation. We offer consultancy services to all types of business, from SMEs to large corporate organisations, and we can work in any location. Whether it's a short-term, specific problem you need to tackle or a longer ongoing relationship, we have solutions to suit a range of budgets.

The Centre builds on the University's existing research credentials in areas such as robotics and automation, waste management and sustainability, and its substantial experience of working with companies in the food industry including, Nestlé UK, William Jackson Food Group, Greencore, Arla, Quorn, East End Foods and First Milk. We also collaborate with technology providers within the supply chain including Spirax Sarco, Koolmill, Dext Heat Recovery, DCI Refrigeration, Foss, KMF Group, Process Technologies and New Food Innovation.

You can access our research, development and consultancy expertise now. Together, we can address your specific challenges and find solutions to meet your needs. Our research expertise includes

  • automation and robotics
  • process control
  • lean systems
  • food process engineering
  • energy engineering
  • waste valorisation and bioprocess engineering
  • thermo fluids and thermodynamics
  • packaging materials

Knowledge transfer partnerships

A little innovation can go a very long way. It can help you stay ahead of the competition, whether you want to launch new products, sharpen your marketing or develop more efficient ways of working. But where will you find the right specialists to help you innovate?

That's where Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTP) come in, providing the links to the expertise you need to grow your business and gain a competitive edge.

Advice on funding

We support businesses of all shapes and sizes, whether it’s to develop your team or work on products and processes. The aim is always to increase your competitiveness, help your organisation grow and overcome any specific challenges. We help you get the right expertise and experience.

We also work with many regional and national organisations that may be able to help you access the funding you need to innovate. We can work in partnership with you to develop bids to organisations such as Innovate UK, Research Councils UK, the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA).

NCEFE is participating in the Sheffield Innovation Programme. This funds access to University expertise for SMEs in the Sheffield City Region.

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Work with our students

There are many mutually beneficial ways your organisation can work with us to support our students' education

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Get in touch

Contact the NCEFE to discuss collaborations, facilities, funding and learning.