Section 2 - Expectations

Section 2 - Expectations


9. Our expectation of all students is that you will take responsibility for your learning and engage fully with your course in line with the expectations set out in the Student Charter. You are expected to:

  • Actively attend and participate in all learning activities on your timetable including lectures, seminars and tutorials whether delivered online or on campus.
  • Attend all planned supervision sessions e.g. for dissertation and research.
  • Attend Academic Adviser meetings.
  • Engage regularly with all course materials and virtual learning environments, including Blackboard and Study Goal.
  • Attend and/or submit all scheduled assessment activities (for example, coursework, presentations, phase tests, exams etc).
  • Reflect and act on feedback on assessed work and undertake independent learning in support of taught sessions as directed by academic staff.
  • Engage with mandatory requirements of your course, for example, professional checks as required by professional bodies.
  • Participate in field trips or other activities which are an expectation of your course learning experience.
  • Accurately report your attendance and engagement on Study Goal.
  • Regularly check your student email account and respond to emails in a timely way.
  • Tell us about anything that is affecting your attendance or engagement.