Annex C

Annex C

1. The Fitness to Practise Panel has discretion over the proceedings, subject to the provisions of this Annex.

2. The Fitness to Practise Panel may:
• Adjourn a Panel as it thinks fit, from a short break in the proceedings to reconvening on another date.
• Ask for additional enquiries to be undertaken and may call for additional witnesses to attend.
• Ask questions of the Case Presenter, you and/or your representative and any witness.
• Impose time limits on oral addresses and submissions.
• Refuse to admit evidence on the grounds that it is irrelevant to the issues raised.
• Recall witnesses to give further evidence.
• Dismiss the case at any stage during the meeting.

3. Meeting procedure:
• The Panel will meet without you or the Case Presenter present to consider matters of process.
• You, your supporter and the Case Presenter will then join the meeting.
• The fitness to practise concern will be put to the Panel by the Case Presenter.
• The Case Presenter will call witnesses in turn and question them.
• The Panel may question the Case Presenter and witnesses.
• You or your representative may question those witnesses.
• You or your representative may address the Panel.
• The Panel may question you.
• You or your representative may call witnesses in turn and question them.
• The Case Presenter may question those witnesses and question you if you have given evidence.
• The witnesses will withdraw.
• The Case Presenter may make concluding remarks to the Panel.
• You or your representative may make concluding remarks to the Panel.
• The Case Presenter, you and your representative will withdraw and the Panel will consider its decision.