Annex E

Annex E

Internal resolution is action that can be taken following an investigation into an allegation of misconduct where it is not deemed possible to determine that misconduct has occurred. This could where there is limited or no evidence of the allegation misconduct and/or in cases which consist of one person’s version of events against someone else’s version.
The types of actions which can be taken are as follows:-
a) No contact arrangement
This involves limiting the chances of contact between two students, e.g. by moving one student to a different seminar/study/group/placement, arranging specific times for each student to use the Library.
If you are the reporting student, it may feel unreasonable that we are advising/arranging for you to take some of the actions rather than moving the reported student to another seminar group, for example. The priority in these situations is to provide a safe environment for students to continue studying at the University and students are expected to take responsibility for taking appropriate action to address situations.
You will also be advised to block each other on all forms of social media.
b) Issuing advisory information
Depending on the nature of the allegation, advice regarding appropriate conduct can be issued. For example, advice regarding appropriate use of social media, or advice regarding sexual consent.
c) Requirement to engage with other services
You may be required to engage with other University services or external organisations, e.g. engagement with Disabled Student Services regarding a Learning Contract.