

16. Allegations of poor academic practice are managed through an Academic Concern Meeting, where the possible outcomes are:

a) no case to answer,
b) a Notice to Improve where you must engage with online academic integrity training, or
c) referral to Academic Conduct Panel where the allegation is deemed more serious and may warrant a sanction.

17. An Academic Conduct Panel will make decisions based on documentary evidence. You will be able to review this evidence. If the panel decides to dismiss an allegation, then no action will be taken. If the allegation is upheld, the panel will also reach a decision regarding the most appropriate sanction. The following points will be considered when determining the most appropriate sanction:

• the evidence that you intended to gain an unfair advantage by your actions.
• your previous experience of academic study in a UK higher education institution, or for a UK higher education award.
• the extent of the misconduct in relation to the assessment in question, i.e., whether this relates to a small section or a whole assessment.

• mitigating circumstances, which you must present with evidence (where appropriate).
• any prior upheld allegations of a breach to the Code of Academic Conduct.
• whether you have understood the allegation and accepted responsibility for breaching the Code of Academic Conduct.

18. The ACP will issue a sanction from the list below. The Panel is also permitted to issue a Notice to Improve, where it feels that the matter constitutes poor academic practice in coursework, but only if you have not received one previously. If previously issued with a Notice to Improve, a panel will set a sanction for a second proven allegation




Indicative Type of Misconduct




Notice to improve

Poor academic practice – not following standard referencing to a low extent and no intent to gain unfair advantage.

  • You must complete the online Academic Integrity Training module.
  • Original mark awarded stands
  • The work will be marked, and the mark awarded will stand.
  • Any future proven allegations will incur a more serious sanction.


A formal warning

Any further instances of poor academic practice after being issued with a Notice to Improve. Low

extent of plagiarism or self- plagiarism.

  • Warning letter kept on file.
  • Original mark awarded stands
  • The work will be marked, and the mark awarded will stand.
  • Any future proven allegations of academic misconduct will incur a more serious sanction.


Reassessment in the task(s) concerned

Low extent of plagiarism or self-plagiarism.

Minor instances of cheating in an examination.


Low extent of collusion.

  • You have lost an assessment attempt in the task(s) concerned
  • If it was a first attempt in the task, a reassessment will be offered, and the result will be capped at the minimum pass mark.
  • If it was a reassessment task, and results in you failing the module, you might be given the option to repeat in the next academic year.
  • Any repeat modules will be subject to a fee and are capped at the minimum pass mark.
  • If you are not entitled to repeat, you may fail the module which will result in your being required to leave the course.


Reassessment in all tasks in the module concerned

Significant extent of plagiarism or self- plagiarism.

Further instances of proven Academic Misconduct.

Deliberate falsification of references.

Minor deviation from approved ethics agreement.

  • You have lost an assessment attempt in all the tasks in the module irrespective of the fact that the misconduct was only in one task.
  • If it was your first attempt at the module, you will be offered a reassessment attempt for all the tasks in the module. Results of the reassessment are capped at the minimum pass mark.
  • If this was a reassessment task, you will have failed the module.
  • If your course permits, you may be eligible to repeat the module in the next academic year.
  • Any repeat modules will be subject to a fee and are capped at the minimum pass mark.
  • If you are not entitled to repeat, you may fail the

module which will result in your being required to leave the course.


Reassessment in all assessment tasks in the module concerned and a capped mark applied to all other modules in the level

Contract cheating/concerns over authorship.
Serious breaches from approved ethics agreement.
Falsification or fabrication of data.
Unauthorised use of prohibited tools or materials.


You have lost an assessment attempt in all the tasks in the module irrespective of the face that the misconduct was only in one task. All marks at the level are capped at the minimum pass mark.

• If it was your first attempt at the module, you will be offered a reassessment attempt for all the tasks in the module. Results of the reassessment are capped at the minimum pass mark.
• If this was a reassessment task, you will have failed the module.
• If your course permits, you may be eligible to repeat the module in the next academic year.
• Any repeat modules will be subject to a fee and are capped at the minimum pass mark.
• If you are not entitled to repeat, you may fail the module which will result in your being required to leave the course.
• All other modules will be capped at the minimum pass mark. You must still complete work for any outstanding assessments in these other modules.
• Your overall award classification will be lower as a result of this capping.


Fail in the module(s) concerned with no option for reassessment, repeat, replacement or substitution. A capped mark is applied to all other modules in the level.

Contract cheating/concerns over authorship.

Multiple or repeat instances of proven Academic Misconduct.

Misconduct where there is a severe impact on another student.

Coercion of another student or tutor.

  • You have lost any further assessment attempts.
  • You will be excluded from your course with immediate effect.
  • You will not be eligible for an award at the level you were on.
  • You may be eligible for an intermediate award, but this will depend on the number of credits you have been awarded prior to the academic misconduct sanction.

19. You should discuss any queries about the impact of the sanction on your assessments and/or progression with College Student Services staff.