Guiding Principles

Guiding Principles

20. In this document 'we', 'our' and 'us' refer to Sheffield Hallam University. 'You' and 'your' refer to all taught students at Sheffield Hallam University who are studying for a Sheffield Hallam academic award either at the University or at a partner organisation.

21. This Regulation applies in full to all undergraduate, Integrated Masters’ and taught postgraduate programmes offered by the University where the module or course leads to Sheffield Hallam award or credit at all levels from foundation year to postgraduate, including pre-sessional English courses and higher degree apprenticeships. The Regulation does not cover alleged academic misconduct by students undertaking research degrees who are covered by separate procedures (see the Policy and procedures for dealing with allegations of research misconduct against doctoral research students).

22. The University reserves the right to make reasonable changes to this Regulation where it will assist in the proper delivery of education. These changes will normally come into effect at the beginning of an academic year. The University may introduce changes during the academic year when it reasonably considers these to be in the interests of students, or where this is required by law.

23. Assessment in any form is how we evaluate your academic achievement against the learning outcomes and any other requirements of your course. It is a fundamental principle that students are assessed fairly and on equal terms. We have a duty to ensure that the highest academic standards are maintained in the conduct of assessment.

24. Academic misconduct is a serious matter. It has the potential to result in a number of sanctions, the impact of which may mean that you lose an assessment attempt and are referred in the task or module concerned. This may have serious implications on your ability to academically progress, and therefore your continued enrolment.

25. In order to emphasise the seriousness of academic misconduct, you are required to accept our enrolment conditions, which confirm that you will comply with our regulations and procedures. You are required to re-enrol on your course on an annual basis to accept your student responsibilities. Upon submission of coursework, you are also required to confirm that the submitted work is your own including physical submissions.

26. The University's Academic Board delegates an ACP to consider cases of alleged academic misconduct in coursework and examinations respectively. These Panels have the authority to impose sanctions on students who have an allegation of academic misconduct upheld in any form of assessment. Sanctions will be applied in accordance with those specified in points 17 and 18 above. Decisions reached by an ACP cannot be changed by a Departmental Assessment Board.

27. You will have a right of appeal any decision reached by an ACP under the Appeals Policy and Procedure. There will be no appeal stage for a decision reached following an Academic Concern meeting for poor academic practice in coursework.

28. This Regulation applies to all students equally. We do not accept disability alone as a reason for your misconduct. However, we may adjust the process to take account of any disability you have disclosed if you contact the Secretary in advance of the meeting to discuss your requirements.

29. While cases are under consideration, you can continue to study following the usual regulations on progression, with the understanding that your enrolment status may change if impacted by a sanction following an upheld allegation.

30. If an allegation is made after the award of a qualification, we may investigate, and could consider withdrawal of credit or an award. If appropriate, the relevant professional body may also need to be informed. Should you withdraw from the University prior to any final outcome, then the University reserves the right to continue to investigate any allegation, including the consideration of an appropriate sanction.

31. It is our responsibility to investigate the allegation against you. We will accept the explanation that is most likely to be true. This is known as the balance of probabilities. All cases will be investigated using the guiding principles of transparency, equity and fairness.

32. We may make use of digital systems to identify potential academic misconduct. The originality reports provided when your work is text-matched against other sources may be used as evidence to support an allegation.

33. We will raise concerns that relate to your academic conduct as soon as possible so that you can take action to correct it. We aim to complete this process, including any final stage meeting, within 40 working days of the date we formally notify you of a concern or allegation. To help us achieve this you must meet any deadlines set for providing further information and/or documents and attend any scheduled meetings. There will occasionally be circumstances when we need to extend the timeframe for different stages. If this is the case, you will be informed of the reasons for the delay and the new timescales. You will be contacted every 15 working days to keep you informed of progress.

34. All correspondence will take place via email to your Sheffield Hallam email account, unless you have graduated or withdrawn from the University, in which case your personal email address (if provided) will be used.

35. Previous upheld allegations of academic misconduct will not be considered a factor in whether an allegation should be upheld but may be used in deciding upon a sanction once it has been established that the Code of Academic Conduct has been breached. Further breaches of the Code of Academic Conduct may be sanctioned more severely than a first upheld allegation. A second upheld allegation will only be described as such when a previous case has been considered, a formal outcome notified and (if applicable) remedial action has been completed, prior to the submission of another piece of work. Where this is not the case, such a concern or allegation should be considered as a possible concurrent case, i.e., the submission of two assignments at the same time with no prior upheld allegations.

36. Information of upheld allegations will be kept on file in line with the University's document retention policy. Instances of academic misconduct and any sanction applied, may be referred to in character references or notified to an accrediting body. If we are notified of an allegation by another academic institution, we may disclose information about your assessments conducted at Sheffield Hallam to them.