Additional Information

Additional Information

37. This Regulation forms part of the University's Regulatory Framework. Other institutional Policies and Procedures that relate to assessment include:

• Standard Assessment Regulations
• Extenuating Circumstances Policy and Procedure
• Student Academic Appeals
• Student Complaints Procedure
• Student Fitness to Practise
• Disciplinary Regulation for Students

38. There may also be suitability criteria set by Professional, Statutory or Regulatory Bodies (PSRBs) for students undertaking professional courses of study. Further information regarding this will be provided within your Course Handbook.

Support and Guidance

39. Further support and guidance in relation to this Regulation is available from the Students' Union Advice Centre.
Web page: Email:
Telephone: 0114 225 4148.



Original Version Approved by and date:

Academic Board, June 2017 (AB/1/17/7)


Student Policy and Compliance, Student and Academic Services

Date for Review:

March 2022 (deferred to March 2023)

Amendments since Approval:

Detail of Revision:

Date of Revision:

Revision Approved by:

Clarification to the impact of sanction 5. Amendment to Annex A 8b) to rename informal warning as Notice to Improve.

September 2017

Assistant Registrar (Assessment,

Awards and Regulations)

Revised wording in sanction 5.

July 2018

Assessment, Awards and

Regulations Manager

  • Expanded section 6 to include ‘authorship’ concerns with plagiarism.
  • Expanded point 19 to confirm that the regulation applies to students on all taught courses including pre-sessional English, foundation, and higher degree apprenticeships

July 2020

Head of Student Policy and Compliance


  • Annex A – addition of point 14
  • The addition of mandatory Academic Integrity training to sanctions 1-4.

July 2021

Teaching and Learning Leadership Group


  • Section 1 - the Student Code of Academic Conduct has been redrafted to focus on integrity, and to clearly outline the importance of students submitting their own work.
  • Section 7 – the plagiarism definition includes the use of paraphrasing software. Concerns over authorship has been realigned to section 9, as below.
  • Section 9 – contract cheating includes concerns over authorship and the use of artificial intelligence tools. 


May 2023