Regulation 12 - Mitigating Disruption

Regulation 12 - Mitigating Disruption

The University’s policies and processes for assessment and student continuation are both flexible and robust to respond to changing circumstances. However, we recognise that there may be extraordinary and exceptional circumstances which involve the significant disruption of university activities. If such circumstances arise, Academic Board shall consider and, if appropriate, activate the following regulation:

In the event of significant disruption to the assessment process and application of the Assessment Regulations, and where Assessment Boards do not have a full set of marks for an individual student or cohort of students, the University may convene an Exceptional Assessment and Award Board. The Exceptional Assessment and Award Board will consider recommendations from the relevant Assessment Board(s). The Exceptional Board may take the view that it wishes to set, vary, or set aside the Assessment Regulations to deal with significant disruption to several students or cohorts following the assessment principles while ensuring that the academic standards of the University Awards are secured. The Board will be drawn from College Deans and College senior leadership and chaired by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic), or nominee, and will maintain the principle that students may only be awarded a pass and a mark for a module, or a progression or award decision where there is sufficient evidence of performance and achievement against relevant course learning outcomes.

The Exceptional Assessment Board may agree outcomes based on the profile of available marks to enable awards to be calculated, and progression to the next level of study. All such exceptions will be recorded and reported annually to Academic Board. Application of the agreed course of action remains the responsibility of the relevant Assessment Board, and students retain the right to appeal under the appeals procedure.
The regulation will not be applied where the conferment of an award would breach articles of professional accreditation or registration.