Standard Assessment Regulations

Standard Assessment Regulations

In the context of these regulations “you” means students at Sheffield Hallam University and “University” means Sheffield Hallam University.
These regulations apply to all undergraduate, Integrated Masters and taught postgraduate programmes offered by the University, except where there are specific exemptions, e.g. to meet Professional, Statutory or Regulatory Body (PSRB) requirements. This includes students who are studying a Sheffield Hallam University award at one of our validated partners. Approved exemptions will be published in individual course documentation and are also listed in the Exemptions from the Standard Assessment Regulations.
The University reserves the right to make reasonable changes to the regulations where it will assist in the proper delivery of education. These changes will normally be implemented at the beginning of a standard academic year (i.e. September). We may introduce changes during an academic year when we consider these to be in the best interests of students or where this is required by law.

Responsibilities of the University
The University will ensure that you have access to the Standard Assessment Regulations and any supporting assessment policies and procedures. These can be viewed on My Hallam under Rules and Regulations.
Assessment requirements for each module will be published to you. This information will include:
• Any regulations specific to your course.
• Learning outcomes, assessment criteria, weightings, and the types of assessment for each module.
• Procedures for submitting assessments and indicative feedback dates.
• Grading criteria and marking schemes.

Responsibilities of students
It is your responsibility to:
• Make sure you understand and comply with the assessment regulations, policies and procedures for your course.
• Submit assessments and attend examinations as required.
• Be aware of and comply with the requirements for academic conduct as outlined in the Academic Conduct Regulation and Examination Conduct document.