Level 5 - Foundation Degree

Level 5 - Foundation Degree

Level 5: Foundation Degree FdA / FdSc / FdEng: Generic grade descriptor
(also: University Cert of HE; BTEC HNC; University Cert in Education (Cert Ed); University Dip of HE; BTEC HND; Advanced Dip of HE; Grad Cert; Grad Dip)




General Characteristics


Exceptional Distinction


Exceptional breadth and depth of knowledge and understanding of the area of study, significantly beyond what has been taught in all areas; evidence of extensive and appropriate selection and critical evaluation/synthesis/analysis and of reading/research beyond the prescribed range, in both breadth and depth, to advance work/direct arguments; excellent communication; performance beyond expectation. The ability to make decisions and carry out tasks/processes with autonomy; excellent leadership skills in group contexts; creative flair; extremely well-developed problem-solving skills; the ability to carry out sustained critical reflection on practical work within the wider context of industry/workplace. Fully meets expectations set by the industry/employment context.

High Distinction


Outstanding/excellent knowledge and understanding of the area of study as the student is typically able to go beyond what has been taught (particularly for a mid/high Distinction); evidence of extensive and appropriate selection and critical evaluation/synthesis/analysis of reading/research beyond the prescribed range, to advance work/direct arguments; excellent communication; performance deemed beyond expectation of the level. The ability to make decisions and carry out tasks/processes with autonomy; creative flair and the ability to (re)interpret predefined rules/conventions to select and justify individual working practice; highly developed problem-solving skills; accuracy and fluency; excellent command of skills appropriate to the task; the ability to reflect critically on practical work within the wider context of industry/workplace. Broadly meets expectations set by the industry/employment context.

Mid Distinction


Low Distinction



High Merit


Very good / good knowledge and understanding of the area of study as the student is typically able to relate facts/concepts together with some ability to apply to known/taught contexts; evidence of appropriate selection and evaluation of reading/research, some beyond the prescribed range, may rely on set sources to advance work/direct arguments; demonstrates autonomy in approach to learning; strong communication skills. Broadly autonomous completion of practical tasks/processes; ability to adapt in response to change or unexpected experiences; technical/artistic decision making is highly developed; a clear command of the skills relevant to the task/process; ability to reflect on practical work and set future goals within the wider context of industry/workplace. Adherence to standards set by the industry/employment context.

Mid Merit


Low Merit



High Pass


Good knowledge and understanding of the area of study balanced towards the descriptive rather than analytical; evidence of appropriate selection and evaluation of reading/research but generally reliant on set sources to advance work/direct arguments; communication shows clarity, but structure may not always be coherent. A confident approach to practical tasks; a solid grasp of the related processes, tools, technology; creativity in the completion of the task; proficiency is demonstrated by an accurate and coordinated performance; tasks are completed with a good level of independent thought; some autonomy is evident; an ability to reflect on practical work and set future goals. General adherence to standards set by the industry/employment context.

Mid Pass


Knowledge and understanding sufficient to deal with terminology, basic facts and concepts but fails to make meaningful synthesis; some ability to select and evaluate reading/research however work may be more generally descriptive; strong reliance on available support set sources to advance work; arguments may be weak or poorly constructed; communication/presentation is generally competent but with some weaknesses. Competence in technical/artistic skills; tasks/processes are completed with a degree of proficiency and confidence; tasks are completed with a basic level of independent thought; effective judgements have been made; basic evaluation and analysis of performance in practical tasks is evident. Errors in workflow or completion of the task; general adherence to appropriate rules/conventions set by the industry/employment context.

Low Pass








Insufficient knowledge and understanding of the subject and its underlying concepts; some ability to evaluate given reading/research however work is more generally descriptive; naively follows or may ignore set material in development of work; given brief may be only tangentially addressed or may ignore key aspects of the brief; communication shows limited clarity, poor presentation, structure may not be coherent. Practical tasks are attempted; skill displayed in some areas; there are a significant number of errors; a lack of proficiency in most areas; guidance may be needed to reproduce aspects of the task and/or apply learned skills. Tasks may be incomplete; failure to adhere to some of the rules/conventions set by the industry/employment context.

Low Fail


Very Low Fail




No evidence of knowledge or understanding of the subject; no understanding of taught concepts, with facts being reproduced in a disjointed or decontextualised manner; ignores set material in development of work; fails to address the requirements of the brief; lacks basic communication skills. A general level of incompetency in practical tasks; an evident lack of practice; set tasks are not completed; few or no skills relating to tasks are evident. No adherence to rules/conventions set by the industry/employment context.