Foundations Years

Foundations Years

Foundation years represent a transitionary year into higher education.  They are distinct from and should not be confused with Level 4 undergraduate study or a Level 4 of a foundation degree. 

Students successfully completing a foundation year can progress to Level 4.  They do so without being awarded any credit or award.

Significant consideration should be given to the design of FY modules and their assessment.  They should not replicate modules at level 4 but be designed for the distinct purpose of preparing students for level 4 study and transition into higher education, providing the scaffolding needed to support progression into degree level study. 

Formative assessment and feedback should be an explicit part of the assessment strategy, as should the opportunity for in module retrieval. The following has been developed to support the development of the transparent expectations of foundation year students. Module tutors should align module learning outcomes and marking criteria to ensure level appropriateness and consistency.

Level 0 - Generic Grade Descriptors

Knowledge and understanding

  1. Describe- facts / principles / concepts / theories / values / beliefs / aesthetics

Cognitive skills

  1. Explain, give reasons for essential – facts / principles / concepts / theories / values / beliefs / aesthetics
  2. Organise essential aspects of information / situations / objects / artefacts which are specified
  3. Complete an action or process using given procedures / formats
  4. Present aspects of the subject in an order and style which demonstrates and enables understanding using given procedures / formats

Subject specific skills

  1. Carry out specified methods of enquiry and production with guidance
  2. Carry out specified techniques / processes / applications with guidance

Professional skills or key skills

  1. Access and gather sources
  2. Use and explain information / materials / data for a given purpose
  3. Develop core skills pertinent to area of study
  4. Solve given, defined problems / briefs, carry out specific approaches and check the solution is fit for purpose
  5. Accurately present ideas / information / arguments / results and do so in an format appropriate for a given purpose / situation
  6. Work with others to meet given objectives and own responsibilities
  7. Reflect on own strengths, limitations and performance using given approaches / techniques


Level 0 (Foundation Year) - Generic Grade Descriptor: relationship between indicative outcome to Grade Point and equivalent percentage



Mark range


General Characteristics




93 - 100


Exceptional knowledge, understanding and confidence to deal with advanced terminology, principles and concepts; worked autonomously whilst also evidencing a much broader breadth and depth of reading/research than was required; has used additional material to go beyond the requirements of the given brief; exceptional demonstration of relevant skills in preparation for undergraduate study; applied knowledge to critically evaluate/synthesis/analyse in the pursuit to solve complex problems; exceptional communication/presentation; performance in all areas beyond expectation.

85 - 92


Excellent knowledge, understanding and confidence to deal with terminology, (and more advanced) basic principles and concepts; taken direction very well whilst also evidencing a broader breadth and depth of reading/research; has used set material and additional material to address all of the requirements of the given brief; excellent demonstration of relevant skills in preparation for undergraduate study; applied knowledge and attempted to solve basic and complex problems set; excellent communication/presentation.

78 - 84


70 - 77



(Very good)

67 - 69


Very good knowledge and understanding to deal with terminology, basic principles and concepts; taken direction well; used set material and additional material to address almost all of the requirements of the given brief; very good demonstration of relevant core skills in preparation for undergraduate study; applied knowledge and attempted to solve basic problems with some complexity; very good communication/presentation.

64 -66


60 - 63




57 - 59


Good knowledge and understanding to deal with terminology, basic principles and concepts; taken direction; used set material and limited additional material to address almost all of the requirements of the given brief; competent demonstration of relevant core skills in preparation for undergraduate study; applied basic knowledge and attempted to solve basic problems; good communication/presentation.

54 - 56


50 - 53




47 - 49


Basic knowledge and understanding to deal with terminology, basic principles and concepts; taken some direction; used set material and addressed the basic requirements of the given brief; adequate demonstration of relevant core skills in preparation for undergraduate study; applied some basic knowledge and attempted to solve basic problems; basic communication/presentation.

44 - 46


40 - 43




30 - 39


Very basic knowledge and understanding of the subject and its underlying concepts; taken little direction naively follows or does not engage with set material; largely fails to address any requirements of the brief; insufficient demonstration of relevant skills in preparation for undergraduate study; limited knowledge applied in attempt to solve basic problems; communication shows limited clarity, poor presentation.

20 - 29




Insufficient or no evidence of knowledge and understanding of the subject and its underlying concepts; taken little direction, naively follows or does not engage with set material; largely fails to address any requirements of the brief; little or no demonstration of relevant skills in preparation for undergraduate study; no knowledge applied and or attempt to solve basic problems; communication shows no clarity, poor presentation, structure not coherent.




Work absent, work not submitted, penalty in some misconduct cases.