Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning

Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning

The University’s regulations applying to RPEL are set out below.


1.1 The recognition of prior experiential learning (RPEL) is the process by which an individual’s prior learning, gained from experience rather than formally assessed study, may be assessed and formally recognised to provide academic credit towards a target award.

1.2 Through the RPEL process, the University recognises that significant knowledge, skills and understanding can be developed in a range of contexts, as a result of learning opportunities found at work (paid and unpaid) and through a variety of individual activities and interests. It is the learning, and not experience alone, which is important.

1.3 Assessment of an RPEL claim is based on documented evidence of the learning achieved. If learning cannot be identified and demonstrated there is nothing to assess and a claim cannot be made. Where credit is awarded, this will be of the same value as credit gained within the University on a recognised programme of study, in accordance with the credit requirements of University’s Academic Awards Framework. In considering a claim for RPEL, the University will seek to establish that the learning is:

• valid and matches the level of learning required
• verifiable (sufficient evidence is provided to demonstrate the learning achieved)
• authentic (evidence that the learning has been achieved by the applicant)
• current (the evidence provided should relate to current learning)

In assessing an RPEL claim, the University is responsible for:
• the format, content and conduct of the assessment process
• confirmation of the specific credit value and level achieved
• confirmation of the specific award to which the credit will contribute
• ensuring the claim is moderated internally and externally as part of the University's processes

1.4 The University will consider claims for RPEL only when the credit sought is intended to contribute to a specific Sheffield Hallam University award.

Examples of ways in which credit derived from the Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning may be used:

• To provide entry with advanced standing (admission to a later stage or entry point of a particular course) to a Sheffield Hallam University award
• To provide some specific credit to be counted towards a Sheffield Hallam University award
• To gain exemption from specific modules within an approved University programme of


i. Credit may be awarded as a result of a formal assessment process by the University, in accordance with University procedures for the assessment of RPEL claims. Therefore credit derived from an RPEL claim is credit awarded by the University.

ii. Credit awarded through informal and experiential learning will have equal value to that gained through formal certificated learning.

iii. Claimants will be required to successfully complete a University provided, Recognition of Prior Learning' Module. This will ensure that claims are presented in the appropriate format and content.

iv. Evidence to support a claim for credit can be demonstrated in a number of ways and includes:

• portfolio/e-portfolio
• structured interview/viva
• workplace devised artefact

This list is indicative and other relevant and appropriate evidence, may be accepted. The evidence will be used to map against the learning outcomes of the module(s) being claimed for.

v. Credit will be awarded at a specified level and amount in accordance with the University’s credit requirements as set out in the Academic Awards Framework.

vi. Claims will be matched to the learning outcomes, level and credit value of a specific module, multiple modules or a whole level within a specific Sheffield Hallam University target award.

vii. Learning will be timely, in the context of the target award and the subject discipline. The learning must have taken place recently enough for there to be reasonable expectation by Sheffield Hallam University that the learning is relevant to the target award and the subject discipline, and that the student can apply the prior learning to the target award. Decisions on currency and relevance will be made according to the discipline of the target award.

viii. Where an RPEL assessment results in learning outcomes and credit to be matched against a taught module any resulting credit will not contribute to any subsequent award classification (eg. honours degree classification or postgraduate awards “with distinction”).

ix. Credit derived from RPEL will be identified and recorded on a student’s transcript.

x. Credit derived from RPEL will be accredited in multiples of 5 credit points, with minimum value of 10 credit points. This applies to undergraduate and postgraduate level.