Recognition of Prior Certified Learning

Recognition of Prior Certified Learning

The University’s regulations applying to RPCL are set out below.


1.1 The recognition of prior certificated learning (RPCL) is a process whereby academic credit for learning that has been previously assessed and/or accredited at Higher Education (HE) level, through a formal course of study, it might be used towards the credit requirements of a Sheffield Hallam University award. This is also sometimes known as credit transfer. Evidence to support a claim for prior certificated learning will involve a formal qualification or award or part of an award, with formal documentation such as a results transcript or formal certificate and/or evidence of assessment, as appropriate, from a University, College or Professional and/or Regulatory Body.

1.2 Through RPCL procedures, applicants to Sheffield Hallam University, or students already enrolled on Sheffield Hallam University courses, might be able to use credit gained from formal study and assessment elsewhere, or from within the University, to count towards a Sheffield Hallam University award or to transfer to a different University award. The recognition of prior certificated learning may take place either at the admissions stage of a Sheffield Hallam University programme or at any stage after enrolment.

Examples of ways in which credit derived from Prior Certificated Learning might be used:

• To provide entry to a Sheffield Hallam University award with advanced standing (admission to a later stage or entry point of a particular course) eg. an HND in a cognate discipline might allow direct entry to year 2 or 3 of a Sheffield Hallam University honours degree programme

• To provide some “specific” credit to be counted towards a Sheffield Hallam University award, eg. relevant modules passed at another institution might replace the need to study the equivalent Sheffield Hallam University modules

• To provide entry and specific credit to be counted towards a Sheffield Hallam University award, eg. an HND in a cognate discipline may be required for entry to a one-year “top up” award of degree or honours Degree. The HND provides both direct entry to the one-year “top up” award and also provides the appropriate amount and level of credit equivalent to the first two years of an honours degree

• General Credit: the overall volume and level of credit attached to quantifiable learning without this being related to a specific programme of study.
• Specific Credit: the specific volume and level of credit attached to a student's particular area of study in terms of its coherence, balance and progression.

• Prior certificated learning might be recognised as being an equivalent alternative to the specific, required entry qualifications for a particular award (also known as recognition of prior certificated learning)


Credit awarded for prior certificated learning will be:

i. Demonstrated by evidence that the credit awarded is a result of formal learning and assessment.

ii. At a specified level and amount in accordance with the QCA National Qualifications Framework (NQF), the QAA Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (FHEQ) and The National Recognition Information Centre for the United Kingdom (NARIC) or equivalent.

iii. Documented or confirmed, normally by an original formal results transcript and, if relevant, an award certificate issued by a nationally recognised chartered institution such as a University, College of Higher Education, or a Professional, Statutory and/or Regulatory Body.

iv. Of appropriate format, content and learning outcomes for the credit amount and value assigned to it, and appropriate to its use as entry to or inclusion in the target award, or both. This may require Sheffield Hallam University to check documentation such as a course syllabus, learning outcomes, evidence of assessment or other reference material to confirm suitability or equivalence.

v. Matched to the learning outcomes, level and credit value of a single, specific module (as a minimum), multiple modules or a whole level within a specific Sheffield Hallam University target award. This applies to undergraduate and postgraduate awards.

vi. Timely in the context of the target award and developments of the subject discipline. The learning must have taken place recently enough, for there to be reasonable expectation by Sheffield Hallam University that the learning is relevant and current to the target award and subject discipline, and that the student can apply the prior learning to the target award. Decisions on currency and relevance will be made according to the discipline of the target award.

vii. Recorded as RPCL derived credit on a student’s results transcript.

viii. Made in sufficient time to complete all RPCL procedures before the relevant Awards Assessment Board confirms a relevant Sheffield Hallam University award.

ix. Be included in the credit calculation to determine eligibility to progress to the next level of a course, an intermediate or final award

Credit awarded for prior certificated learning will not:

1. Carry marks or grades from another awarding institution. Mark/grades will not be shown on Sheffield Hallam University transcripts, nor be taken into account for award classifications based on numerical calculations (eg. honours degree classification or Masters awards with Distinction) unless approved at validation and specified within the Definitive Programme Documents

2. Be used to gain an award in its entirety