Exclusions from RPCL General Principles and Regulations

Exclusions from RPCL General Principles and Regulations

7.1 PSRB Restrictions on the use of RPCL and RPEL

Some awards may exclude the use of either prior certificated or prior experiential learning due to professional, statutory and/or regulatory body requirements or where an award is validated on the basis of requiring all students to study and be assessed for the full award, or where an award is validated on any other basis that does not permit, or restricts the use of RPCL.

7.2 Other Types of External Credit Not Defined as Prior Certificated Learning

Credit awarded elsewhere but which is not defined as prior certificated learning is outside the formal scope of these RPCL general principles and regulations. Examples are where Sheffield Hallam University students, with the University’s prior approval:

• may study at another institution while registered for a Sheffield Hallam University award, where the external credit contributing towards the Sheffield Hallam University award is a normal element of the course (eg International Business or Language courses might stipulate or allow work or study outside the UK)

• study at another institution under a formal Exchange scheme (eg Erasmus) while registered for a Sheffield Hallam University award

• study at another institution on an ad-hoc basis, eg. a student who fails a module at the end of their Sheffield Hallam University course may wish to enrol on a similar module at another University nearer home, and if successful obtain a Sheffield Hallam University award

7.3 Course-specific Entry Requirements and Specially Approved Collaborative Articulation Arrangements not covered by this Policy

The principles and maximum amount of credit that may be awarded for successful claims for prior certificated or experiential learning (RPL) as outlined above, apply to individual students only. Where applicants with a particular qualification are to be admitted regularly with a standard amount of prior credit (also known as entry with advanced standing) the University expects such arrangements to be reflected in course-specific entry requirements presented at the point of course validation. Such 'standard' entry requirements will be approved in advance via appropriate quality procedures. Such arrangements apply where course entry requirements stipulate that holders of a specific, validated award and for which a nationally recognised credit rating exists (e.g. a BTEC HND award in a subject relevant to the specific SHU award), may permit entry to the later stages of a course with advanced standing.

7.4 Where such arrangements involve formal collaboration with an external provider, the University requires a formal articulation arrangement to be approved via collaborative approval procedures. In some cases this may involve an agreement to admit students who have successfully completed a course offered by an external provider resulting in the attainment of a qualification not generally recognised in the UK. In all cases, the overall amount of prior credit that may be recognised through a specially approved articulation arrangement will not exceed two thirds of the overall credit requirements for any SHU award, in line with the above RPL regulations. The level and amount of credit that may be recognised from an external award leading to entry with advanced standing will be detailed in course Definitive Documents as part of course-specific entry requirements.

7.5 Translation of Marks

In the above examples the study and award of credit from elsewhere is approved inadvance as part of a specifically approved award or programme; the award of specific credit is also agreed in advance, or awarded at the same time as, or after completion of, other study at the University. In such cases, it may be necessary to translate marks from study elsewhere into Sheffield Hallam University assessment marks, according to an approved marks translation formula. Where there are regular study arrangements for particular courses and with other institutions, the translation formula will be approved at validation and included in the course Definitive Documents.

Approved by Academic Board 29 April 2015