Recognition of Prior Learning

Recognition of Prior Learning

1 Introduction

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is the generic term used for the award of credit on the basis of demonstrated learning that has occurred at some time in the past. The term encompasses the recognition of prior certificated learning (known as RPCL) and the recognition of prior experiential learning (known as RPEL).

2 How credit gained/awarded might be used

• To provide entry with advanced standing (admission to a later stage or entry point of a particular course) to a Sheffield Hallam University award
• To provide some specific credit to be counted towards a Sheffield Hallam University award
• To gain exemption from specific modules within an approved University programme of study
• Credit awarded through the recognition of prior learning cannot be used to gain a Sheffield Hallam award in its entirety

3 The Approval Process

Decisions on whether prior learning may be accepted towards the credit requirements for a Sheffield Hallam University award are academic decisions. Each Faculty's Academic Board (or delegated authority) is responsible for considering and approving RPL matters relating to individual programmes of study (RPEL, RPCL, ISMs), including the verification, suitability, validation and delegation of authority to Admissions Tutors and/or Course Leaders to approve RPL claims in accordance with the above principles.

4 Feedback

Claimants will normally receive feedback on their claims from the relevant Faculty Board (or delegated authority) within 15 working days of their claim being submitted.

5 Monitoring and Review

The Faculty Academic Board is responsible for monitoring all RPL claims and for ensuring equitable consideration of claims. The external examiner scrutiny would take place at the Departmental Assessment Board. An annual review of RPL claims and students’ progress and performance levels will be included in the Faculty annual RPL report to Academic Quality and Standards Executive Committee.