9 - External Moderation

9 - External Moderation

9.1 External examiners are not required to moderate assessed work at levels which do not contribute to the calculation of the intended award (e.g. level 4 for honours degree students), unless there is a specific Professional, Statutory or Regulatory Body requirement.

9.2 For Foundation Degrees and HNC or HND awards, external examiners are required to moderate assessed student work at level 4 as this contributes to the classification of these awards.

9.3 In all cases, external examiners have an advisory role in respect of all matters relating to the curriculum and assessment and may request to see all assessment instruments and student work, irrespective of level.

9.4 External moderation of student work normally takes place by making work available in advance to external examiners. External moderation may also be undertaken by the external examiner via an on-site moderation visit prior to the Assessment Board.

9.5 External examiners should be provided with all relevant information to inform the external moderation process. This will include a copy of the module descriptor and module handbook/assessment brief, marking criteria and, prior to the Assessment Board, a copy of the module marks and a summary of the module statistics.

9.6 The module leader should include a summary of the internal and external moderation process and any recommendations from the internal and external examiner in the annual module review.

9.7 External examiners should not be used as 'third markers' or to moderate disagreements between two internal markers. In instances of internal disagreement between the first and second markers or the internal moderator, then a third internal marker should be used to resolve the situation.

9.8 As the external examiner will only moderate a sample of work, even if the whole cohort has been second marked, no further changes to individual marks can be made. However in exceptional circumstances the external examiner may request that the entire cohort is re-marked.