11 - Evidence of Moderation

11 - Evidence of Moderation

11.1 Internal Moderation: there must be clear evidence that internal moderation of assessed student work has taken place. Evidence of internal moderation should be provided to external examiners using a standard proforma along with a brief moderation report which summarises the process and its outcomes.

11.2 External Moderation: there must be clear evidence that external moderation of student work by external examiners has taken place. External Examiners should, normally through the moderation report for the module, receive confirmation that internal moderation has been completed, to be provided together with samples of students' work.

11.3 At the Departmental Assessment Board each course leader should confirm that modules have been internally and (where applicable) externally moderated, and delivered in accordance with the definitive document.

11.4 The External Examiner, through their annual report, will be asked to confirm that the moderation process has been followed and issues raised by the external have been satisfactorily resolved. This will be a standing item on the Departmental Assessment Board agenda.

Approved by the Academic Board, June 2016 (minute AB/16/40 refers).
Revised May 2018 (approved by University Teaching Quality Committee)