Collaborative Partners and Policy for the Verification of Assessment

Collaborative Partners and Policy for the Verification of Assessment


1.1 This policy applies to all taught modules delivered at the University's collaborative partners2 and sets out the University’s approach to verification of assessment tasks and the standardisation and moderation of marking. It should be read in conjunction with the requirements set out in the University's policy for verification, standardisation and moderation.

1.2 For the purposes of this paper collaborative partners are defined as publicly or privately funded educational organisations either in the UK, EU HEA or worldwide. The policy also applies to companies where the University has accredited and recognises assessed work undertaken by employees for SHU credit.

1.3 The 'collaborative annex' to the main Moderation policy does not apply to NHS partnerships, local government, social work or other health-related organisations (i.e. non-HE providers) where the assessment of clinical practice is used as part of the overall assessment regime of a professionally accredited (‘licence to practice’) award. In such cases the normal University policy on moderation applies as the University and its staff will retain full control over the marking of academic work.

1.4 This policy ensures alignment with the UK Quality Code for Higher Education.