Information relating to exams or time bound assessments

Information relating to exams or time bound assessments

Specific conditions for examinations (see also Exam Conduct Policy)

  • 15. If your Learning Contract recommends exam support arrangements, the Registry Operations team will put these in place for you, and they will be indicated on your examination timetable. It is important that your Learning Contract is in place in good time prior to the examination period for the arrangements to be put in place (see point 16).
  • 16. Learning Contracts must be agreed by you and published by specific dates prior to the exam period in order to allow sufficient time for arrangements to be arranged. These dates are stated in the Examination Conduct Policy. There may be occasions when your Learning Contract is published after these set dates but before the examination takes place. If this happens, you are advised to take the exam anyway, if at all possible
  • 17. After you have taken the examination and received your results, if you feel that you did not perform to the best of your ability because the arrangements as outlined in your Learning Contract were not in place, you must contact your Student Support Adviser within 5 days of the results of the examination being published to you to arrange for you to take the examination again.
  • 18. Registry Operations will put the exam arrangements in place and you will take the examination again during the next assessment period (with no mark penalty). If the mark is lower than your initial attempt at the examination, we will use the initial (higher) mark to calculate the overall module mark.
  • 19. It is likely that this opportunity is more important if you are at levels 5 or 6 where module marks count towards your honours degree classification. If you are at level 4 it may not be helpful for you to take an examination again that you have already passed as many first year exams do not count towards your honours degree classification.

Requesting to postpone an examination or take an examination again (including time-bound assessments)

  • 20. If your Learning Contract recommends that you have the option to take an exam again due to your disability, you must liaise with your Student Support Adviser to discuss this as soon as possible before the examination, or within 5 working days after the examination.
  • 21. If you do decide to take the examination again, then the mark you achieve at this attempt will stand even if it is lower than your first attempt.
  • 22. If you have taken the examination (rather than postponed it in advance of the exam date), you must contact your Student Support Adviser within 2 working days of the results of the examination being published to you to confirm that you want to take the exam again. This is because sometimes you perform better than you think you have and we need to know whether or not you definitely want to take the examination again in order to put your adjustments in place.

Alternative form of assessment for examinations

  • 23. If your course includes examinations, then you are normally expected to attempt these with appropriate adjustments relevant to your disability. Exceptionally, where usual adjustments are not adequate or are inappropriate, DSS may propose an alternative form of assessment to examinations following consultation with the Module Leaders. If your Learning Contract recommends that you have an alternative form of assessment for examinations, your Module Leader will set the alternative assessment. This has to be done well in
    advance of the examination date and cannot be put in place close to the examination date.
  • 24. The alternative form of assessment will be of the same rigour and standard as the examination and will assess the same learning outcomes as the original examination. It is the decision of the Module Leader to set the most suitable alternative assessment to assess the learning outcomes.
  • 25. If your course is accredited by a professional body which stipulates that assessment must be via examination, we will liaise with the professional body to determine whether an alternative form of assessment is appropriate. There may be occasions when it is not possible to set an alternative form of assessment due to professional body requirements.
  • 26. Where your Learning Contract recommends extra time in exams, and the extra time means that your examination will last more than five hours, we can consider a 'split examination'. This means that you would sit the first half of the examination paper on one day (at the same time as the main cohort of students), and the second half of the exam on another day. You would be given alternative questions for the second half of the exam as the original questions will have been seen by other students. Both halves of the exam would be sat under examination conditions.

    More information for students available here - Assessment 4 Students.

    More information for staff available here -