5 - Assessment Briefs and Criteria

5 - Assessment Briefs and Criteria

5. Assessment criteria and arrangements for coursework submission will be published to students at the start of each module and explained to students in scheduled teaching sessions and via a screencast or equivalent accessible medium.

At course level, templates for assessment briefs and feedback should be used to ensure a consistent approach is taken by all tutors to give feedback and feedforward. The University uses criterion-referenced grading for measuring learner performance, to measure an individual’s achievement against precise and explicit criteria, with clear levels of achievement. At module level, assessment criteria should link to learning outcomes, which together with the University Grade Descriptor enable learners and other stakeholders to be clear about what is being assessed and when, how marks are allocated, and how grades are decided. Assessment briefs and grading criteria must be made available to students at the start of each module via module Blackboard sites and explained to students in scheduled teaching sessions and via a screencast or equivalent accessible medium. The Threshold Standards for Supporting Learning with Technology Policy reinforces the above policy statement.

5.1 Submission deadline expectations

Students must be told clearly how submission is to be made. Whichever method of submission is stipulated, the deadline date and time must be clearly articulated to students via their Assessment Statement at the start of the year, as well as via Blackboard throughout the academic year. The standard coursework deadline time for all Colleges is 15:00. It is suggested that deadlines for partner institutions should be set between 09:30 and 15:00 local time, Monday to Friday (there should be no weekend deadlines or deadlines set for when the University is closed). The implications of setting a deadline on a Friday, or the working day prior to a University closure day, should be considered in relation to the ability to submit late coursework. Guidance for students when submitting work online can be found Instructions to Students on Assessment Essentials.