10 - Feedback Expectations

10 - Feedback Expectations

10. All modules must provide students with individual feedback on either formative or summative submissions.

10.1 Feedback on Coursework (CW) and Scheduled (PR) assessments

Feedback will be provided online to all levels of study, irrespective of which method of submission / presentation has been used. Where substantive written / audio feedback on individual draft work / formative submissions has been provided, summative feedback can consist of a grade and a completed rubric. An electronic record of feedback provides improved clarity, addressing legibility of handwritten feedback. Consistency as well as the security and convenience of the medium also provide benefits to students in addition to having access to all feedback for a course online and in one place.
An electronic record of feedback should be uploaded to Blackboard Grade Centre. Various methods and tools can be used to facilitate electronic feedback and guidance on these can be found in Assessment Essentials. This electronic feedback may be supplemented by face-to-face meetings with students and return of annotated scripts where appropriate to the discipline. It is not the intention that a scanned record of handwritten feedback is used as this may not address the issue of legibility raised by students.

For further information around entering and releasing grades and feedback to students within the required timescales, please refer to Recording and Returning Marks and Feedback on Assessment Essentials. Feedback to students should be given in time to inform subsequent and related coursework and examination assessments. For information on effective feedback design, please refer to the case studies found in the JISC assessment principles and the Framework for Feedback on Assessment. Further information relating to turnaround times can be found in Feedback on Assessments (Assessment Essentials).

10.2 Feedback on Exams (EX)

Module/course teams will provide one form of examination feedback, as appropriate, to fit with teaching practice. This may be one of the following:

• electronic generic feedback (via VLE) to a cohort on strengths and weakness of individual questions or the exam in general
• drop-in post exam session for feed-forward at the end of a semester or at the start of next semester
• model answers, where applicable/appropriate

Module Leaders are responsible for facilitating one-to-one feedback to students on their request. Students are responsible for contacting their Module Leader to request individual exam feedback. Requests should be made within ten working days of the release of ratified grades (post Department Assessment Board). Feedback to students should be given in time to inform subsequent and related coursework and examination assessments. Examination grades are normally given within 15 working days (excluding Bank Holidays and University closure days).

Provisional examination grades should be included in Grade Centre and passed to Student Record Services to be processed in SITS and ratified through the Departmental Assessment Boards. SITS (via My Student Record) is the only place that students can access their full mark profile across all modules studied. These grades remain provisional until the Departmental Assessment Board has taken place and the grades are confirmed.

For further information around feedback on exams please refer to Feedback on Examinations on Assessment Essentials.