Policy for Assessment

Policy for Assessment

Policy Statement:

This policy applies to all courses and modules offered by the University, except where there are specific exemptions due to Professional, Statutory or Regulatory Body requirements or where the University has agreed alternative arrangements with collaborative partner organisations. Exemptions require support and agreement through the appropriate process and must be published in course/module-specific documentation.

1. All assessments are designed and delivered in accordance with the University's Academic Awards Framework, Standard Assessment Regulations, Standard Academic Calendars, Policy for the verification of assessment and standardisation and moderation of marking; and with reference to the Principles and Procedures for Assessment and the University Grade Descriptors.

2. Overassessment should be avoided. Courses should limit the number of summative assessment tasks to that required to assess student achievement against course level learning outcomes.

3. Reasonable adjustments to the design and delivery of assessment can be made for students with Learning Contracts agreed with the University.

4. Coursework submission dates will be published to students at the start of each academic year.

5. Assessment criteria and arrangements for coursework submission will be published to students at the start of each module and explained to students in scheduled teaching sessions and via a screencast or equivalent accessible medium.

6. Details of examination arrangements will be published by the University Examinations Service to students in advance of the scheduled examination periods.

7. Assessment tasks will be submitted online, through Blackboard, by the published deadline date and time (unless otherwise specified). Feedback and /or grades* on assessment tasks will be made available to students online, through Blackboard.

8. Assessments submitted after the published deadline will not be marked. Students who are unable to submit work due to Exceptional Circumstances may request an Extension up to 24 hours after the published deadline.

9. All modules must include assessment and feedback opportunities prior to final submission.

10. All modules must provide students with individual feedback on either formative or summative submissions.

11. Indicative grades* will normally be provided within three working weeks from the date of assessment submission.

12. The University ensures fair assessment outcomes for students via rigorous standardisation and moderation processes. The inclusivity, accessibility and equity of assessments will be protected via practices such as anonymous marking and varied assessment methods.

13. All marks and results are provisional until they are ratified by the appropriate assessment board in accordance with the Departmental Assessment Board Policy and published via My Student Record.

(* Subject to ratification by Department Assessment Boards)

Departments are responsible for the implementation of the policy at course and module level in line with the Principles and Procedures for Assessment.

Governance and monitoring:
This Assessment Policy is governed and monitored by the University Teaching and Learning Committee, which reports to Academic Board. Significant changes and reviews are subject to the approval of the Teaching and Learning Committee.