5 - Application Process

5 - Application Process

5.1 The application process must establish:

i. the level of credit sought (normally level 5, 6 or 7)

ii. the proposed credit value

iii. agreed content, the learning outcomes to be demonstrated, the assessment methods to be used including word limits, notional study time required (based on a tariff of ten hours per credit point), the level of support to be provided including the number of contact hours, and deadline date for completion of the ISM

iv. any other additional resources such as any technical or specialist resources, and any necessary contingency arrangements

v. when marking and moderation procedures are to be completed, eg. double marking and external moderation, to be completed in time for the mark to be considered by the relevant Departmental Assessment Board

vi. who the supervisor of the ISM will be

vii. if necessary, the proposal complies with the University’s Ethical Research Policy

5.2 Timing of Applications

Applications for an ISM should be considered as early as possible in the semester and prior to the anticipated start date. An ISM application form, completed by the Course Leader, giving all relevant details, must be submitted in time for consideration and approval through the process below.